Chapter 14

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*Erin's POV*

A few weeks into training today would start the training with firearms and I knew how excited Jay was.

"Well then, let's go." We got down to the car and I drove Jay to the Academy as usual but this time parked in the parking lot.

"Why are you parking?" Jay looked a little confused because I usually didn't.

"I have to pick something up for Hank." I came up with a lie and Jay just exepted it.

When we walked in, Jay went straight to the locker rooms to get changed and I waited for someone to get me from the entrance.

"Erin Lindsay?" A tall guy walked towards me.

"Yes. That's me." I shook his hand and he gave me a uniform that I apparently had to wear as an instructor.

After I had changed, he took me to a large hall from which the murmur of voices could be heard, which then suddenly fell silent when we entered.

"Meet your instructor for the firearm training, Erin Lindsay. I want her to be treated with respect and for you to show her how we do things here." All of the recruits nodded in agreement and then I met his gaze.

Jay was standing in the back of the group and kept looking at me.

"If someone steps out of line, there is one admonition and then that's it." And with that words the guy left and I was alone with them.

"So, hello again from my side, as you have just heard, my name is Lindsay. We're going to do the firearm training together, because the right tactic to use a gun is vital when you're out there." The people in this room hung on my lips.

"Over there you can see tables and a guns for each of you, in the first part of the day today you will learn how to take a gun apart and put it back together." I waited until everyone had found their place and then started to explain.

*Jay's POV*

I didn't need to look down while taking the gun apart and put it back together as I had done it a million times already.

Lindsay went through the rows and showed one or the other how to do it properly.
When she got to me she smiled at me, but my face stayed motionless because I was offended that she hadn't said anything to me.

"What is with you and this woman?" Jamie and I stood on the side when we had a break.

"Nothing, why?" I tried to play it off.

"No man, I don't believe you." I just wanted to answer when I heard my name getting called through the room and Erin mentioned for me to come over to her.

"Got a sec?" She asked when I was standing in front of her.

"Yes ma'am." That I called her that was of course a blow in the pit of the stomach.

"I was madly impressed by your skills." I knew she knew I was annoyed.

"Thank you." I nodded to her.

"Talk later?" Some hope was shining in her eyes.

"Yeah." I could literally feel the looks of the others on my back, because usually if you were taken to the side, then there was trouble.

"Alright ya'll. Back to business." Lindsay let us line up, but so that we could see what she was doing.

She explained to us, what the correct position was to shoot and then showed us how it was done properly.

A murmur went through the recruits as she hit all three targets perfectly in the middle.

"And with a little training you'll be able to do it just like this. Who's first?" I saw the woman in the front standing there with shaking hands.

"I volunteer to start." I knew I would have no problem hitting the targets, but had a different idea.

"Sure. You can start, Halstead." Everyone craned as I positioned myself.

I missed the first two targets and Lindsay looked a bit surprised, but as I didn't want to make myself a complete embarrassment, I aimed at the last target and of course hit the middle.

"Well done. Really good for the first try." I got back in line and the woman, whose hands no longer shook, smiled at me thanks.

After that it took some time until the first ones even came near the targets, but Lindsay took the time for each one until I was back in front.

"I would love to give you guys the chance to shoot again, but unfortunately our time is over for today, so I would like for you to put the guns back on the table were you got them from and then you are free to leave." People start to mumble and slowly the hall emptied and I left aswell.

"Halstead?" Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked around to see the women from earlier stand in front of me.

"Hey... Miller." I read the tag that she was wearing.

"Thanks again that you saved me there. I would have made a totally scared impression on Lindsay if you hadn't saved me." She gave me a work smile and I shrugged.

"I don't think so, she seems very nice and I guess she would have understood." I walked with her through the hallways towards the entrance.

*Erin's POV*

"I don't like Miller." Was the first thing Jay heard from me when we got in my car and I drove away quickly before anyone saw us.

"Why? She seems nice to me." He looked a bit puzzled.

"That's the point. That girl is totally in love with you." It shocked me that he hadn't noticed.

"What do you mean?" I didn't really get the way he looked at me as I needed to keep my eyes on the road.

"She walked so close to you and the way she smiled every time you looked at her." I didn't like the feeling of jealousy but I couldn't help but feel that way.

"Was I supposed to tell her, that I'm dating our instructor?" Jay let out a breath and laughed.

I stayed silent for the rest of the ride home.

"Erin." Jay placed a hand around my waist when we were laying in bed a little later.

"Yeah?" I turned and looked into his beautiful green eyes.

"Serioulsy. Don't worry about Miller. My heart fully belongs to you and even if I would want to fall for her, I couldn't. You're the one I want." I closed the little distance between us and placed my lips to his.

"You're the best." I knew this weren't the words he probably wanted to hear as an answer but I was overwhelmed but the fact that he just told me that he loved me and I didn't know if how I deserved this, even after I didn't tell him about the whole instructor thing.

"Jay?" Some time had passed and I didn't know if he was asleep.

"Yeah?" His breath tickled my neck.

"I love you." He hugged me tightly and I fell asleep in his embrace.

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