Chapter 29

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*Jay's POV*

"Why are you doing this to me? I just lost my wife!" Manners looked completely exhausted, but I didn't buy it.

Erin and Voight had been with him in the interrogation room for the last half hour and I watched but it was tiring because the guy didn't seem to give in.

Then I got an idea and went to knock on the door.

When the two came out, I made sure that the man didn't see me.

"Let me have a run on him I think I have an angle." My plan was stupid, but it could work.

"Honestly, do it, if it doesn't work, he's going to come down to the cage with me and Antonio and we'll talk there." Voight cracked his knuckles and I didn't want to ask what the cage was

Voight left and for a second it was just Erin and I.

"I love you, okay?" I leaned down and kissed her because I wanted her to know this, because what I was about to tell that guy wouldn't be nice.

"I love you too." Her eyes softened and she stroked my arm before going into the next room to watch.

"Mind if I stay here a second? This woman is still driving me crazy." The guy immediately recognised me.

"You were at my house yesterday." He did not really react to my act just yet.

"I know. I was told that we were just going to give you our condolences but Lindsay thought that something was off." I rolled my eyes in annoyance and it hurt me to talk about her like that.

"I can only agree, I don't know if you noticed, but she was in here just a few minutes ago." He had believed me faster than I thought and my plan seemed to work.

"I know." I snirred and the guy looked at me.

"Can you keep a secret?" His gaze was intense and avoided looking at the window were hopefully Lindsay was behind.

"My wife was just like that. She kept telling me what I was suppose to do and I just couldn't take it anymore." I knew I needed a little more than that.

"So you wanted to divorce her?" I asked.

"No. The fire was no accident. I locked her up in the bedroom, just hoping it would kill her." When he said that an angry Voight came in.

"You bastard sat me up. Ouh you're gonna pay for that." He was taken away and I went straight to Lindsay as soon as he was gone and was greeted with a wry smile.

"That was good and painful at the same time." She pressed her head against my chest and her words made me feel even more bad.

"And that was all a lie. I don't think about you that way." I hadn't even been working with her for a week and I'd already talked badly about her, even if it was just a lie.

*Erin's POV*

"Hailes!" Upton looked up from her desk.

"We're going to the firehouse." I announced and she got up immediately.

When we arrived the hall was all empty and it seemed like they were out on a call.

Hey Stella, you guys are not at the house right now and I just wanted to know that the guy is gonna go to prison for murdering his wife.

Just when I pressed send I heard a honk behind me and Kidd drove the Truck back in.

"Hey there." She hopped out and was covered in dirt.

"Hey." I also nodded to Casey when he wanted to go inside.

"Matt wait a second." He turned and walked towards us.

"Well, the man did it, he's just on his way to jail, you clearly had the right feeling, you can tell Kelly when he's back." Hailey and I made our way back to the car and drove back to the district.

"How cruel can you be and let your wife burn." Upton sounded disgusted and I was aswell.

"I have no idea. That guy seemed pretty fine with it and I have no idea how he could do that to someone he once loved." I preferred to concentrate on driving instead of thinking about it any further.

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