Chapter 63

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*Jay's POV*

When I opened up I looked at my partner, Upton.

"Where's Erin?" The memories came flooding back and I immediately tried go get up.

"Whoa. Stay down." Upton's look made it clear to me that I should better do what she was saying.

"Where is she?" Scraps of memories of Erin falling on the floor were flashing before my eyes.

"She's just down the hallway, sleeping." Hailey made me worry even more.

"The baby?" I was expecting the worse.

"I don't know. Lindsay had an emergency surgery and the baby was born that way. Since it was just too early for your baby, the doctors do everything possible to save the little one. But I have no idea how she is doing." A tear ran down my cheek.

I made her lose the baby

As much as I hated it, my brain was fixed on that sentence.

"How are you?" I blinked and saw Upton in front of me again.

"Given the fact that I made my wife miscarry; not good." That was an understatement, I felt miserable, almost terrified for the moment for Erin to wake up and to see the pain in her eyes to relaise, the baby was gone.

"I thought so, but I mean physically. You must haven taken alot of punches." I just snirred because my body wasn't the thing I was worried about right now.

"I need to be with her." It almost sounded pleading, but I didn't care, I couldn't lie here and wait for Erin to find out from someone random what had happened.

"Yeah. I see what I can do." As soon as Upton was gone I started shaking all over because I was so afraid of the words that Lindsay would justifiably throw at my head.

After a little while a doctor came in and I signed something so I was allowed to leave here and see Erin.

It felt like it took me forever to limp my way to her room.

"I got it from here." Upton looked desperate to come inside with me but I knew that I needed to do this on my own.

"I'll sent you a message, when I... we are ready." I swallowed hard and then carefully opened the door, not to wake her.

She was in a bed, covers up to her shoulders, but I saw it immediately, the bump was gone.

That sign broke me.

I knew how much she had looked forward to what was coming, how she had tried to make no wrong things to have a safe pregnancy and then I busted all that.

*Erin's POV*

My sleep was dreamless, almost delusional and I felt uncomfortable.

It took me longer than I had expected to be able to open my eyes and so, as I usually did in the morning ran my hand over my bump.

So I thought at least until I ran my hand up again and another time down.


Then the realization hit me.

I wasn't home; I had no idea where I was, but this wasn't my comfortable bed.

What I was clearly a nightmare, I couldn't explain it all to myself any other way and so I tried to shut my eyes even more than they were already.

As much as I wanted to drift in a good dream, there was nothing my brain could come up with, dark emptiness.

Faced by the fact that I wasn't dreaming I opened my eyes and looked at a red eyes Jay, then down to where my baby bump was suppose to be.

"Jay." I couldn't help but start crying.

Deep down I had known that something was drastically off.

"I'm so sorry." His voice was a whisper and I knew that he was fighting tears.

"What happened?" I felt like I should have know, but I didn't.

"I..." Jay stuttered and it took a moment before he could tell me what had happened.

"Where's my baby?" There was no way in hell I would just accept that she was gone.

"I don't know." As hard as it was hearing those words, it seemed terribly hard to tell them.

"Where is she?" I didn't feel like being any rational right now.

*Jay's POV*

I had to step out of the room because I couldn't see her like that, and the worst part was; I was the reason.

"Excuse me? Can I speak to Dr Halstead? It is very urgent." I stopped a bypassing nurse and my sight must have looked terrifying so she hurried away.

I thought she had just ignored what I had asked her but it wasn't for another five minutes before I saw a ginger emerging from the elevator.

"Jay!" My brother drew my full attention to him as he made his way through a group of people, staying on the hallway.

"Is she alive?" That question broke the rest of my miserably cohesive heart.

"She is. Not in a good condition, but Nat managed to stabilise her for now. She sent a nurse up to tell you two like an hour ago." I frowned and knew that I would have a talk with that specific nurse later.

"Do you want to tell Lindsay or should I?" I looked back at her room and wasn't sure if she even wanted to see me.

"Can you? I feel like I would say it the wrong way and she wouldn't get the right message because she's a bit... off." That description was horrible, but I had no other words for it right now.

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