Chapter 12

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*Jay's POV*

"Kick some ass." Lindsay dropped me off before heading to work.

I watched her go until her car disappeared around the corner.

I pushed the doors open and was blown away by the atmosphere.

Voices came from everywhere, pictures and motivational slogans hung on the walls and it was a huge entry all with stairs going up.

"Hey. I'm Jay Halstead and here for the new course." I had waited in a queue for a while and was no standing in front of the registration desk were a woman who was handing out stacks of paper.

"Go in the area over there, when you have filled out everything, then you can go to room number three and hand everything in." She handed me a big stack and I walked over to a few tables, were alot of people were sitting already.

It was only now that I realized I was quite old to start working in the police force because most of the people here were around twenty.

"This seat taken?" I had seen another man who was about my age.

"No. You can take it." He looked up briefly and then went back to fill out the papers.

But I also worked through the papers and was a bit shocked at what they all wanted to know.

After a good twenty minutes I was finished and saw that the guy next to me had been waiting for me and now got up with me.

"Hey I'm Jamie. I'm sorry if I just came across as a bit rude, I'm just totally nervous." She smiled over at me.

"Ouh, don't worry. My hands would be shaking right now if I wouldn't be holding this stuff. And by the way, I'm Jay." I was relieved that I had met him, because the younger people kept looking over at us, but didn't speak to us.

When we handed in our things, we were given keys to our private locker, and then we went to change.

"These things look nice." I looked at myself in the mirror, wearing the blue uniform for the first time.

When a bell rang we knew that we had to go to the drill hall.

*Erin's POV*

"Lindsay." Rojas snapped her finger in front of my face and I was startled.

"Yeah?" I looked at her and she smirked.

"Are you still thinking about last night?" I shook my head because I was thinking about how Jay and what he was doing right now.

"But you're thinking about Jay." My mind wandered off again.

"Yes, but only because I want to know what how's doing and if they're treating him good." Vanessa sighed when I said that.

"Erin. He's gonna be just fine. We both went through it, we're here. He can do it too." She put a hand on my shoulder and I nodded.

"Got a case." Antonio slid a file across my desk.

"Dude. That kid is barely fiveteen." I looked in the file and it was the one from a boy.

"That doesn't change the fact that he killed his stepmother." My jaw dropped when he said that.

"You and me." He pointed at me and then in the direction of the interrogation room.

"Yeah." I got up and followed him.

"Can I talk alone to him first?" Antonio didn't seem so convinced, but then agreed and went behind the window to watch.

"Mark? Can I come in?" I knocked on the door, heard a chair move and then a quite "Yes".

"I didn't mean for this to happen." He sat on the floor, streaked with tears, and looked at me.

"Okay. So what happened?" I just didn't feel like he was a violent kid because he had good grades and had never done anything wrong before.

"It was an accident. She... she.." Mark started sobbing and I felt horrible that I made him feel this way but I couldn't help it and needed to ask the questions.

"She hit me and my little sister. Last night ... there ... she wanted to hit my sister because she got a bad grade in school, I didn't want her to hurt her so I pushed her backwards to stop her from hurting my sister. Then she hit her head against the corner of the table and then was on the floor. I took my sister and went upstairs." I looked to the side because I knew someone was in the next room.

"That was really brave of you to stand up for your sister and tell me the story. I'll be right back with you, okay?" I walked out of the room and Rojas and Antonio were waiting already.

"Please tell me you found a way that the poor boy can go back to his sister." I really was hoping that he could.

"They lived with just the stepmother. The father died a few years back and there is no one else as far as I can say. So they need to go to a foster family. I'll talk to Hank, maybe he can make sure that the punishment is prevented." I nodded and looked at the boy through the window.

*Jay's POV*

As I opened the door for Lindsay she put her arms around me and I could barely close the door behind her.

"Hey." Her voice sounded weird but I didn't ask and just gave her a kiss before starting to take off my shoes.

"How was your first day? I'm sorry that I didn't get to pick you up." She stroked her fingers over my arm.

"It was good. The first left when they noticed the tone in which we were being spoken to." I chuckled and she gave me a faint smile.

"I don't want to tell you about my day until you don't tell me what's going on with you." I knew that something was up and when I said that, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Come here." I pulled her into my embrace and she pressed her face against my chest.

"I can't really talk about the case, but this little boy that we arrested today did something that had bad consequences and when I then walked back in after he had told me what had happened, the first thing he said was 'Do I need to go to jail and can you take care of my sister'."

"Imagine a boy his age needs to even think about that." I ran my hand over her back to calm her down, which was slowly starting to work.

"I don't want to imagine how it must be." Lindsay looked up at me with red eyes and I wiped away a tear that ran down her cheek.

"I didn't mean for you to see me like this. Can you go on, on how it went with the Academy?" We went over to the couch and she snuggled up to me.

"It was good. As I just said, some left because of the tone the instructor talked but I wasn't shocked because I knew it from the Army." I was playing with her hair, when I didn't get an answer I looked down and saw that Lindsay had fallen asleep.

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