Chapter 21

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*Erin's POV*

After a drive, which felt like it took forever I was finally at the adress Hailey had sent me.

I walked up to the door, holding some magazine and then knocked.

"Good morning, Sir. May I come inside and talk with you about our newest offers?" I had no idea what offers I was selling to have but he let me in.

As soon as the door was closed he had a gun on his head.

"Drop it. Or I'll drop you." The second part would happen later but he didn't need to know that just yet.

He let go of the gun he had grabbed and then held still.

"You maybe don't know me. But you knew my brother." Recognition flashed across the man's face.

I went out of the house and since it was still quite early in the morning nobody seemed to mind that I threw him in my trunk and drove off.

On the way here I had already looked for a nice, secluded place to which I now drove.

"It all happened as an accident. I didn't mean it." The man was kneeling in front of me, his hands raised soothingly.

"You really think I care about the stuff you say, do you?" I chuckled and I saw that he slowly relaised that this was the end.

"Which tree do you want to be buried under?" At least I wanted to give him a choice.

A short time later the silence was disturbed by a gunshot, which caused the birds to fly out of the trees.

"Erin!" Hank walked towards me, just when I got back to my car, apparently he had tracked it.

"Nice to see you here, it's just a lovely place, isn't it?" The autumn colors of the forest were really beautiful and it didn't look like any crime had been committed here.

"Where did you bring him?" He looked furious but o kept my facade up.

"I don't know what you mean." I knew very well and he knew that.

"Your griefing; that's fine. Maybe you spin a bit out of line; I even accept that. But you can't come up here and murder people." The others watched our argument.

"I didn't kill him. We talked." I wanted to squeeze past him but he held my arm and stopped me.

"If they find him, I'm not going to help you unless you tell me what happened." I just shrugged my shoulder and left because I didn't feel like talking any more and wasn't planning on telling him anything.

I was awfully tired but I wanted to get back home so I got into my car and started to drive home.

Then the realization started to hit me, what I almost did, because in the end I only tied him to a tree because I couldn't kill him.

While driving the memories of my brother came flooding back and it ate me up inside.

When I home after a little while I got home and Jay wasn't there because it was his last day before the test in a few weeks and so I started to cook some things for when he got home.

*Jay's POV*

I had been distracted all day because my thoughts were on Erin, which is why I hadn't been good in practice today.

When I got to her apartment, her car was parked in the parking lot and I hurried to get up because I wanted to know what she did.

"How was Academy?" She just stood there, a smile on her face.

"Good. How was your manhunt?" The smile dropped when I said that.

"I found him but I didn't kill him. I just couldn't." She looked at me like that was bad.

"I'm glad you didn't." I didn't think I'd have this conversation one day.

"Not so sure. He deserved it." Lindsay's expression was torn between grim and sad.

"But it's not on you to decide when he dies." I walked up to her and stroked her arm and she looked at me.

"I guess. I am sorry that you have to go through all of this and that I am distracting you from preparing yourself." She looked devastated but I shook it off.

"Don't worry about me. I'm gonna be just fine." I knew that I was really good prepared for the upcoming tests and was almost sure that I would make it to become an officer.

"You're amazing, you know that?" Erin looked at me and her eyes softened.

"Ouh I know." I said joking, but there was more to it than that.

"You just make me feel like I'm good the way I am. The way you just accept that I make mistakes and that you're not leaving after I made them... you're just..." Her voice trembled slightly and she seemed to be lacking in words.

"You mean the world to me, Erin. I've never loved someone as much as I do love you and for nothing in the world I would leave you." I leaned down and kissed her.

"Jay? Do you want to marry me?" I really wasn't expecting that, and it took me a moment to really understand what she was saying.

"Yes." My voice cracked and a tear rolled down her cheek.

*Erin's POV*

As Jay carried me to the bedroom I kept kissing him and he ran his hands over my body as far that was possible without dropping me.

He let me fall on the bed and it felt like I melted under his touch.

I arched my back and he kissed my neck, digging his teeth lightly into my skin, which made me moan.

"Ouh God, I love you and I love this." Jay was breathing heavily.

I pulled my nails down his back, I sure were hurting him, but I didn't really care about it right now.

My breath quickened aswell and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

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