Chapter 9

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*Erin's POV*

Over the last two weeks I got to see Jay more often and now I was sure that he was the right one for me to be with.

Upton had accepted it aswell and Rojas was happy for me.

When I was making breakfast Jay came back into my apartment after he went to get the mail.

"So. I got to tell you something." Jay beamed at me and waved a letter in front of my nose.

"Go for it." I saw that the letter was from the Police Academy.

"Well. I did get accepted to the Police Academy." Jay showed me the letter proudly.

"That is amazing." I put my arms around his waist and kissed him.

I had known it before him, since as an instructor I was given a list of recruits I would teach, and Jay happend to be in my course.

Jay, on the other hand, had no idea that I was going to be an instructor and I didn't want him to know until I was in front of him at the academy.

"Why didn't you tell me you took the test?" I went back to the coffe maschine and looked at him out of the corner of my eye.

"Because I didn't know if I would even be taken." He shrugged and put his arms around me from behind.

"It was obvious that you could do it." I stroked his arm and leaned my head against his chest which had been working painlessly for a few days now.

"I have to get to the district but just make yourself comfortable." I didn't like the thoigh if leaving him but I had no choice.

I grabbed my coffee, finished it in three gulps, then grabbed my keys and went to my car.

While I was driving to Upton's place to get her on my way, as her car was at the repair shop I thought about the whole me-teaching-Jay-thing.

"Morning." Hailey got in but I was so in my thoughts that I just started driving without answering.

"Lindsay." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her.

"Sorry. Good morning. I was thinking about something." I focused back on the street.

"Well you obviously were. Mind to tell me about what?" I pointed to the envelope on the backseat.

She reached for it, opened it and read the names for a while until she stopped for a second.

"Jay Halstead." He read out the name.

"He's in your class." I nodded and was hoping that she would tell me what to do.

"You know that you can't teach him as you guys are a thing and if anyone finds out..." I ended her sentence.

"...if anyone finds out they'll think I prefer him over the others." I sighed and saw how messed up the situation was.

"Does he know." As always, Hailey hit just the right questions.

"No. I don't want him to know. Jay should just prepare for his training to begin soon. I'm not screwing this up for him by burdening him with it." I pulled into the parking lot but it was still on my mind.

"You're not burdening him. I think he just deserves to know, because in a worst case scenario they'll kick him because of you guys connection." Upton walked next to me.

"I guess then nobody better finds out about us. Besides, we can't be the only people having that problem." When we walked into the bullpen no one was there just yet and we sat down at our desks.

"Hey, you alright? You looked a little dismissive this morning as soon as you knew I was going to the Academy." I sighed when I read the text and ignored the way Hailey looked at me.

"I just needed to think about a case we are doing. I'm sorry. I'm really happy for you getting accepted." I tipped and put my phone down as Hank walked in.

"Hey. Can we talk?" I got up when he passed my desk.

"Sure kiddo. What's up?" I followed him into his office.

At first I didn't know how to start, but when Hank looked at me with raised eyebrows, I blurted it all out.

"I've been seeing this guy for a while and he is really nice and all that but he decided to join the police and I'm one of the instructors he's going to have at the Academy and I don't really know if I should tell him about it or just stay quite and let it play out. But maybe he's gonna get kicked when they find out about us." After what I had said, Hank first leaned back in his chair.

"Let it play out. In case they notice anything just tell them that I advised you to do it. Then they can blame me and you're fine." I nodded and he sent me out.

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