Chapter 26

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*Erin's POV*

Since we got home I hadn't talked to Jay and even considered to ask him if he would mind staying at his own apartment for the night because I felt like the memories were too much of a burden for me too carry right now.

"Erin?" I sat in bed, arms around my legs and stared at the wall.

"Hey." Jay's voice was soft and I felt the mattress shift under his weight.

Without saying anything I let myself tilt against him and he put his arms around me.

"Do you want to tell me about Nadia?" I just nodded and Jay tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"When I met her she was a prostitute. We arrested her and somehow we grew close. She moved in with me, I helped her to get clean, she got a job at Intelligence and then she got kidnapped, brought to New York and murdered. And all that because of a stupid birthday cake and because we failed to arrest a man." I hadn't meant to cry, but tears of anger and sadness ran quitly down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure she was a really good person and an even better friend." Nadia had been my best friend and even after a while I missed her terribly.

"She was. She would have liked you." I straightened up because I was tired of being sad.

"Do you go for a walk with me?" I needed some fresh air but didn't want to go alone.

"Sure." Jay leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead.

*Jay's POV*

The air was cold and I could see my breath form little clouds in front of my face as we walked down the street.

Erin's hand in mine felt almost fragile and I ran my thumb over her's and she smiled up to me.

Lindsay took a deep breath and then let out a large cloud of breath.

"I have my own personal little dragon, well, not everyone can say that about themselves." I chuckled and Erin rolled her eyes mockingly.

"Well be careful then, dragons can be very dangerous." I just shrugged.

"I think I'll take that risk." I pulled her close, kissed her tenderly at first, but then leaned down to deepen the kiss.

"That's a good thing. Otherwise I would just have to drag you into my cave, like dragons do in fairy tales." Lindsay walked backwards and I followed her while I tried to walk so that I would neither kick her nor fall over her.

At some point she turned back around and I stopped briefly to tie my shoe.

"Ey Sweety! Why don't you hopp in here, huh?" I looked up to see a guy talking Erin out of his car.

"Why don't you step on the gas and make sure you get away from here." I had walked up to her and placed my arm around her hip.

"Ouh shut up you punk ass!" The young man had apparently already made plans for tonight.

"Watch it." I didn't feel like beating him up here and now, but when it came down to it, it wouldn't be a problem for me to finish him off.

"Are you threatening me right now! Come here, you idiot." He got out of his car and Lindsay shifted her weight.

"Go easy on that." He barely went up to my shoulder and was clearly more skinny than I, which he was just now noticing.

"You're lucky I'm not in the mood to fight you right now." I held back a laugh because I just wanted him to leave, so I nodded seriously.

*Erin's POV*

"Would you have seriously fought that guy because he said a stupid line?" Jay looked at me, nodded, and looked a little perplexed that I even asked.

"Of course I would." Jay took my hand in his and we headed back to my apartment.

When we were back inside I felt a lot better and was able to successfully suppress the sad thoughts.

"Geez. Why are guys like that?" I laughed when Jay said that.

"Aren't you suppose to know? I mean, I'm no doctor, but to me you look like a guy." I dropped onto the couch next to him.

"When I see guys like that, I wonder if I might want to change my gender after all." Jay let his head fall back for a moment and then looked at me.

"That's up to you." I tilted my head.

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