Chapter 68

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*Erin's POV*

The little alone time on the drive back was much needed and way too short.

In didn't answer the incoming call from my husband because I would see him within the next two minutes anyways and then there he was already.

"Can I see the wire?" He asked right away and I handed him my jacket.

"How did you manage to twist it so bad that it looks like this?" Jay pulled out the cabel from underneath my jacket.

"I don't know. I tried to hide it as it started to show and I didn't want to blow my cover. So I guess I twisted it too much and so it stopped transfering." I shrugged and really hoped Jay would buy the lie, because in fact I had tried to stop the microphone from recording from the second on I was out of Ruzek's sight so they wouldn't hear a thing Mike would say I didn't want them to know.

"Whatever. We'll figure that out next time. Can you tell me what happened in there then?" Jay raised an eyebrow and started sorting some cables whilst I was suppose to talk.

"He gave me a time to meet with him and his dealer later." That in fact was the truth, exept for the fact where he had kissed me.

"Okay. Guess then we just wait." For now Adam had been standing in the room with us but as soon as he left Jay's look changed.

"What is going on with that guy?" His voice was soft and he pulled me in to his embrace.

"He's just... bad." That was a horrible description but it was all I got.

"How bad?" Jay asked and all the memories came back.

*Jay's POV*

"Erin? Erin!" She had just dropped to the floor and looked at me, like she was wondering how that just happened.

"What is it with that guy?" I crouched down next to her and stroked her back.

"He... I..." She stuttered and began to breathe faster.

"Shhh. Try to breath slower." I put my arms around her and held her tight.

"You guys okay?" Upton walked in but when she saw that Erin was shaking she left again, to give us some space.

"I didn't mean to hide this from you." Her voice was shaky and her eyes were overflowing.

"Hide what?" I ran my fingers through her hair, trying to calm her down.

"My... my.. past." The way she looked at me was almost terrified but she fell silent when she saw Antonio standing in the corner of the room.

"What do you need?" Everything shook up was gone and Lindsay wiped a tear away as she got up and walked over to Antonio.

"You're keep getting messages from Mike so I thought I'd tell you." He acted like nothing had happened and I didn't quite understand their behaviour.

*Erin's POV*

Antonio didn't want me to talk about Mike and the things that happened because he was part of that stuff and things happened he didn't want to get public so the way he looked at me told me that I should just shut up.

I grabbed my undercover phone and checked the messages.

"Guys listen up. He changed the time of the meeting. We're on in twenty minutes at Lake Michigan." The heads of the unit shot up.

"There is no way we wire you up in time and can set us up to watch you." Kim spoke up and I agreed.

"Ask him for a bit more time. That isn't save." Hailey said and I heard the concern in her voice.

"I can't cancel on him. He knows me for a while now and knows that I don't just postpone meeting with him." My eyes met Jay's for a moment and he didn't need to tell me that my plan to go all by myself was stupid.

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