Chapter 47

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*Jay's POV*

"I didn't mean to do that." I still had my hand on the gun, but my eyes were closed and I was trying to breathe the pain away.

"It's okay." I pressed out from clenched teeth.

The man had triggered the gun, apparently accidentally, which resulted in me being hit at close range, but as far as I could tell the bullet hadn't gone through my vest.

"Jay!" Lindsay came bursting through the door and pointed her gun at the veteran.

"You said no guns." The guy looked at me and I got worried because he still got the gun.

"I'm fine. You have to move back." I saw movement behind the guy and seconds later Ruzek fired his shot and the veteran dropped.

"No!" I went down with him to soften the fall.

"You lied." With that and a hateful look on his face his eyes glazed over.

"Why did you do that?" I was face to face with Adam.

"A 'thank you for saving my life' would do it aswell, you're welcome, Jay." He snirred and Lindsay was already stripping off my vest.

"I said I'm fine." I pushed her off me and regretted it the second after.

"Erin." I went after her and when I reached her grabbed her arm to stop her.

She spun around and I saw that her eyes were teary.

*Erin's POV*

"When I heard that shot the only thing I could think about was saving you. And then I felt guilt because I left you in there all alone." My insides felt like they were turning around and I pulled away from Jay's grip and ran outside to throw up in a bush.

When I turned around I looked right into my boyfriend's very concerned face.

"I'm fine." That's what he just said a few minutes back, we both knew he wasn't and neither was I because I suspected where the nausea was coming from.

"Chaos couple back on track?" Upton walked over to us and I smirked.

"I guess." I still felt a little light-headed but I didn't say anything because I didn't want Jay to worry even more because he was the one that needed to see a doctor.

"I'll get you an ambulance." Hailey announced and called it in before Jay or I could say anything.

"Going to see you at the hospital then." I reached up to kiss Jay goodbye and he grabbed my hand.

"You're coming with. You look super pale and I don't want you to get into an accident." I nodded, admitting to myself that I really wasn't feeling very well.

"Shot, seriously?" Will looked at the huge bruise that was on Jay's chest.

"At close range, yes." Jay grimaced when his brother moved his arm a little.

"April! Can you call radiology and tell them that he needs an x-ray?" The young nurse nodded and left.

"That's going to be about half an hour before they get a spot for him." April informed us and Will nodded.

"Let's get an IV for you then for the pain." Jay's eyes widened when he heard that.

"It's not that bad, man." He was in alot of pain, I knew out of experience.

"But it's going to help you." I took his hand and he looked at me, as if he needed to tell me something he felt really insecure about.

"I will take the small one, promise." I could put one and one together and couldn't believe it.

"You're scared of needles?" Jay bit his lip and it seemed like he actually was.

"The last time I took his blood, he passed out." Will said and I saw that Jay went even more pale when he saw the needle in his brother's hand.

"Would you mind if I distract him a little?" When Will shook his head I leaned a bit forward, took Jay's head in my hands and started kissing him.

After a moment I felt how the tension left his body I signaled his brother that he could start. I didn't see how the needle poked him but I felt him tense up.

"All done." Will announced and I stepped back.

"I felt it anyways." Jay complained and I sneered.

"Shut up and take what you're able to get." He looked over at me when he got brought away by a nurse.

"Uhm... Will?" I stopped him from leaving and he turned back, looking right at me.

"Is Natalie here right now?" Now he looked a little concerned.

"Sure. Let me page her for you." It only were a few minutes until she showed up.

"Lindsay. Everything alright?" She greeted me and I shrugged because I had no idea what to say.

After Will left I had an idea what to tell her.

"So I think... I guess... I might be pregnant." To really say it outnumbered the fear I felt earlier when the thought occurred to me by lengths.

"Okay. Was it planned?" Dr Manning asked and I shook my head.

"Want me to check so we actually know?" That sounded good and we changed the room so that she had an ultrasound.

"That might be a little cold now." She squeezed some jelly on to my stomach and started to move the transducer.

"Good or bed news first?" She looked at me.

"Just go for it." I felt how I tensed up a little.

"Probably bad news; you're pregnant. Good news; everything looks normal. You're about one month along." When she told me that I saw my world crumble in front of my eyes.

"How about you stay seated for another moment?" Apparently my shock could be seen and I accepted the offer.

"I think I should get going because Jay could be back any minute now." I had decided to keep it to myself for now because I needed to think about what I would do with this information.

"Sure. Call me when you need anything, or just need to talk." Natalie smiled at me and I appreciated what she was trying to do.

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