Chapter 48

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*Jay's POV*

"Two broken ribs. That's it. You really have nine lives, man." Will announced after he looked at the x-ray photos.

"I told you I was fine." I looked over at Lindsay and she gave me a smile.

"So definitely no chases for the next two weeks." I sighed when my brother said that but I nodded.

"If severe pain occurs spontaneously, call or just come over and I'll see what I can do." We then left because I wanted to get home.

When we were about to walk into our apartment building a little girl came running up to us and looked at my badge conspicuously.

"Robin! Let these people go." The mother took her daughters hand but the girl reached for my badge.

"Don't worry, it's fine." I knelt down so I was on one level with the little one.

"Hey Robin. I'm Jay. Nice to meet you." I smiled at her and she did too.

"Do you want to become a cop one day yourself?" I pulled the badge off my belt and gave it to her so she could take a closer look.

"Yes!" She looked really excited.

"Come on now, Robbie. We need to go." The women smiled at us and the girl handed the badge back.

*Erin's POV*

Seeing Jay so happy with the little girl was like a punch in the stomach.

"Maybe one day." My boyfriend turned around to look at me and I knew what he was talking about; kids of his own.

"Maybe. Yeah." I didn't say anything as I hadn't decided yet whether to keep the child or not and I didn't want to bring his hopes up.

"You okay?" Jay put his hands on my shoulders.

"Sure. I'm just still a little shook up about what happened earlier." I brushed it off and walked into the building.

When we got up Jay just left me alone and I felt bad for not telling him and while I was still fighting with myself whether I would say something, he sat down next to me and took my hand in his.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?" His voice was tender, but I was so surprised that I couldn't answer.

"I support whatever you decide. When you don't want to keep the child; that's fine. When you want to keep it; also fine." I couldn't help but let a few tears slip.

"But you said you really wanted kids." I looked into his green eyes and all I saw was understanding.

"I want kids. Yes. But if you don't want it now, or never I'm fine with it. I love you more than leaving you over something like this, if that's what you're worried for." I definitely was.

"You're just... so..." I stammered something but couldn't find the right words.

"...amazing." He chuckled and leaned down to kiss me.

"Do you think it's murder to not get the baby?" The question was heavy and I knew it.

"It's not. You have to decide for yourself. I think it's better not to have the child than to have a child that you never really wanted." I had no idea how to feel right now, because I was apparently more emotional than usual and really had to pull myself together not to start crying uncontrollable.

*Jay's POV*

I managed to convince Lindsay that she should get some sleep and so we went to bed.

She had dozed off in my arms pretty much right away but I couldn't sleep and it took my alot of control not to put a hand on to her stomach because I knew it would be a hard decision without me interfering already.

Erin stirred in her sleep and I stroked her hair but she grimaced her face and when she winced I gently woke her up.

"Hey. Shh. It's okay." When she woke up, Lindsay looked around, a little confused, until her eyes focused on me.

"What if I'm a total horrible mother, kinda like mine." I felt her pulse race under my fingers.

"I have no idea what your mother did or not did but I'm sure you're going to be great." I kissed her forehead and she laid her head on my chest.

"Thank you for being here for me." She fell asleep again shortly after and so did I.

*Check out my Instagram account [jaileyslinstead], to find some Linstead and Upstead edits.*

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