Chapter 71

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*Jay's POV*

Erin was back at work the next day even if Voight had offered her a few days off.

"Any officer interested to rank up?" Antonio held up a stack of flyers and I grabbed one.

"Detective, huh?" Hailey leaned down and looked over my shoulder.

"Would be nice. Then you couldn't come at me with the 'shut up I outrank you' stuff." I chuckled and she nudged me with a folder she was carrying.

"I think you should do it, you would kick ass." Erin said and so the decision was made.

She had no idea how delighted I was that she had told me about her past because I knew that it wasn't easy on her.

"Detective Halstead sounds nice." Lindsay had walked over to my desk, put her arms around me from behind and kissed my neck.

"Love you." Erin smirked at me and then made her way down the stairs as she and Rojas were told to arrest a guy that had been harassing a women for a while and we had figured out where he lived only recently.

*Erin's POV*

"Chicago PD! Mr Baker! Open up!" I banged my fist against the big wooden door for the third time.

"Maybe he's not home?" Vanessa suggested but I shook my head.

"No. He's home. I can hear the TV." She nodded as she listened for a second.

"Mr Bakers we're coming in now!" I waited a second but as I didn't get a response I forced the door open.

"Blood." I pointed out and drew my gun.

"I'm right behind you." Rojas put her hand on my shoulder and we made our way into the apartment.

"Damn it." Vanessa knelt down as we saw a tall blonde guy on the floor, covered in blood.

Just as I was about to call in a body he started moving his hand.

"50-21 Lincoln emergency! I male, probably in his mid-fourties with GSW to the chest. I need an ambo to my location right now." Rojas was putting pressure to the wound as to slow the bleeding and I checked for a pulse.

"50-21 Lincoln. Cancel on that ambulance and roll the crime lab." I sighed and leaned my back against the wall.

"Somebody beat us to it I guess." Vanessa got up and I nodded.

Suddenly I heard a noise upstairs and I drew my gun.

"I'm going up." I whispered and Vanessa nodded.

I made my way up the stairs most quietly and then I saw a door being pulled shut.

"Chicago PD! I've seen you already. Open the door and come out with your hands raised, slowly." I pointed my gun at the door. Nothing happened.

"I'm gonna say this one more time; open the door and come out with your hands raised slowly." Still nothing.

I pressed against the wall and slowly moved towards the door.

The handle was on the other side so I had to go past the door at least once and I had no idea whether whoever was in there was armed, but I had to assume it because I had a body downstairs that had been shot.

I took a deep breath and made the move.

As of the person had seen my a few bullets came through the door but I didn't get it.

The door was opened I was pushed aside and a women ran past me, down the stairs and out of the door.

Without hesitating I followed her but she had  a head start so I wasn't as close behind her as I needed to be to get her.

Jay's PickUp came around the corner, narrowly missed her as we were running in the middle of the street, and she kept running.

For a split second I had eyecontact with my husband but I wasn't about to lose her, so I quickened my pace and the distance got smaller.

"Stop running or I will shoot!" I had my gun still in my hand but it was highly unlikely for me to actually shoot because there were too many people around.

Then she ran into an alley and I slowed down, slowly turning the corner so she couldn't shoot at me.

Her interest was not in hurting me, but in getting away, because she was trying to climb a smooth stone wall.

"Melanie." As I got closer I recognised her, she was the women that Mr Baker had been harassing.

When she heard her name she looked at me, then down at her gun.

"If you don't stay back I will shoot you!" Her voice was low.

"We both know you won't." I holstered my gun even though that wasn't the smartest idea in this situation and stepped a little forward.

"Stay back!" Melanie's hand moved to the digger and I stopped in my movement.

"I didn't mean to kill him! He launched at me and it was all an accident." By the way she was shaking I was afraid she would pull the trigger my accident again.

"I know that. I see the scratches on your arm and the judge will believe you aswell but if you shoot me right now it is over. My team is only minutes, if not seconds away from getting here. So please put the gun down and you'll be fine." I tried to explained calmly so as not to alarm her further.

"Okay." She sagged and put the gun down to the floor.

"I will come over now and take the gun, just don't move." I waited for a second but then went over and grabbed the gun.

When I heard sirens I made my way out of the alley with Melanie.

"You alright, Detective?" One of the officers from the 21st stopped his car next to us.

"Yes. I'm fine, Paxton. Can you take her to the district for me?" Melanie looked scared but I assured her that nobody would harm her.

Been a while since I published the last chapter so I hope you enjoy this one.
I would appreciate it if you could leave me a little feedback on how you like this story so far, or what you want to happen next.

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