Chapter 39

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*Erin's POV*

"Do you got a second?" The smoke had now spread throughout the room and I couldn't suppress a cough.

"Yeah." Severide was still trying to get us out of here but wasn't exactly successful.

"Be honest. Do you think we'll make it out of here?" The question was taff.

"I don't know. We won't make it on our own. Because if he go out the door we're gonna get cocked alive and we can't go through the wall." The hope faded out of his life.

"Okay. So that's it." I had imagined my death differently. And not to suffocate or burn.

"No. It's not. Erin don't go there yet." I was well aware that he had the same thoughts that I had.

"How likely are the chances that anyone will find us here? Even if someone would come here, see that there is fire, call firefighters... they won't find us here. To me it looks like the whole door is blocked." My eyes started to tear as the smoke got thicker.

"They'll find us." Kelly was horrible at lying.

*Jay's POV*

"Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Engine 51. Structure fire." I looked over at Casey and when the adress was said his eyes widened.

"That's the place the two went." The door swung open and all firefighters and medics ran to their cars.

"You can follow behind." He got into his gear, jumped in the truck and they all drove off, sirens flashing.

Upton and I ran to her car and followed right behind the firetrucks.

As soon as we were near the factory I saw the smoke.

"Erin." Right in front of my eyes I saw the flames coming out of all openings.

The firefighters but their masks on and then ran inside, we stayed outside with Chief Boden, so we could listen in on what was said on the radios.

"Chief this isn't looking good. We got almost zero visibility and here are so many rooms." I heard Casey's voice and my heart shrunk.

"Copy. You call it when you think it's too dangerous." They were discussing leaving people in the flames and I bobbed up and down nervously.

I looked back at the building, hoping, that Lindsay would just walk out.

"Were almost out of water!" That was Hermann and that made me even more nervous because there was no way to get ahead of that fire without water.

"Here is a sprinkler system we can try to turn it on." That gave me a little bit of hope.

"Go for it, Cruz." The Chief ordered and the radio fell silent for a while.

"Cruz stop! Don't activate it!" Casey yelled and seconds later there was an explosion, the windows bursted, the flames got bigger and the smoke thicker.

"Casey. Report!" Boden starred at the building and was trying to get contact to his firefighters.

"Herman! Report!" He yelled but still silence.

"Anybody from 51, Report!" Something had just gone very drastically, very wrong.

*Erin's POV*

"I just left him without explanation." We were now sitting on the desk because the smoke on the floor was getting thicker and thicker and higher up we had more air.

"You can explain it to him when we get out of here." Severide had his arm around me and I leaned against him.

"But what if not? Our chances to get out of here alive are low and are getting lower while we talk and you can tell me that I'm right and drop that damn hero facade. I'm no scared kid." I could literally see him admitting that I was right to himself.

I was distracted by a dripping noise, looked to the side and saw the sprinkler system was dripping, but my hope was stopped when I saw that as soon as the water touched the flames that were slowly coming through the door, they turned blue-ish for a second.

"Kelly." I shook his arm to get his attention.

As soon as he saw it his muscles tensed.

"Get in that corner, now!" He pushed me off the desk and then knelt down in front of me, just in time as it seemed, then the water started running and a huge flame bursted the door open and hit the desk, were we had been just seconds ago.

"You okay?" I cough terribly, but nodded.

"What was that?" I held my jacket up to my face in a pitiful attempt to be able to breath better.

"Someone turned on the sprinklers and something went wrong. But at least that means that someone is here." I heard that his voice had hope in it again.

The sprinklers were off again but I still couldn't start to calm down because the flames were now inside the whole office and we were even more trapped.

*Jay's POV*

"Chief we're okay." I heard the breathless voice  Matt Casey's.

"What was that?" The Battalion Chief asked.

"There must have been something flammable in the pipes." I didn't know that voice and I felt Hailey squeeze my shoulder to get my attention.

"Jay. I know that this is hard, but in case that Erin doesn't make it, she wanted me to give you this." She handed me an envelope but I didn't take it.

"I'm not taking that. She's alive." I heard Upton sigh but not address me again.

"Chief we might have something." I looked over at the radio when I heard that.

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