~ Chapter One ~

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Those words kept running through her head on repeat. She could feel the pain in her heart and soul as she took another sip of wine.

"Uh, so are you going to be good if I take off?" Fin asked as he returned to his seat at the bar. He had been sitting next to Olivia for the last three hours, but he had work in the morning and he didn't want to be hungover.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Olivia whispered as she kept her eyes glued to the red liquid in her glass.


"It was only Elliot, Fin... he's gone, and I'll just get another partner. It isn't a big deal." Olivia frowned as she turned and looked at Fin. He could see right through her act, but he didn't know if he should try to comfort her or just let her do what she needed to do.

"He was never just your partner, Liv. He was your best friend, and he abandoned you."

"He shot a teenager, Fin. He left because he had to, I guess. But I'm fine. I swear. You can go home and I will see you tomorrow."

"Take the time that Cragen offered you. Get drunk, sleep it off, and give yourself time. Call me if you need a ride home. Okay?"

"Sure... thanks, Fin," Olivia whispered, and Fin nodded before awkwardly kissing Olivia's hair.

"Anything for you, baby girl."


Once Fin left, Olivia drank three more glasses of wine before turning her keys into the bartender and ordering a whiskey. She didn't really like the taste of it, but she liked the way it made her feel warm, especially since she barely felt anything but anger at this point.

"You should try something a little more expensive. The taste is richer." A man spoke as he joined Olivia at the bar. He sat on the empty seat beside her and sat a tumbler of whiskey on the bar.

"I really don't like the taste, but I like how it gets me drunk," Olivia said with a weak laugh. She turned and looked at the man, but her vision was a little off and she couldn't really make out his face well.

"Bad day?" He asked, and Olivia sighed softly before nodding. The wine and whiskey made it easier for her to talk about her day, and if this man was offering to listen, she planned on taking that offer.

"One of the worst days that I have ever had..."

"Did your boyfriend break up with you?"

"Boyfriend? Please! Do you honestly think anyone would date me?!" Olivia laughed.

"Okay, then what happened? Tell me everything, because I won't remember this in the morning and you probably won't either." The man chuckled.

"My partner left me today, and it really sucks."

"Hmm, how long were you and your girlfriend together?" He questioned, and Olivia closed her eyes tightly as she tried to not laugh or even yell at him for assuming that she was a lesbian.

"Uh, I'm a detective with the NYPD, and he was that type of partner. Not my lesbian lover."

"I am so sorry!" He exclaimed, and Olivia shook her head.

"No problem, man. Honestly... uh, I'm Olivia by the way."

"Rafael. It's nice to meet you." He smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too."


The night progressed as Rafael and Olivia continued to drink. They both started to feel really good at about midnight, and that was when they were cut off. The bartender called them each a cab, but Olivia and Rafael ended up climbing into the same one. Rafael sat right beside Olivia and had his hand resting high on her leg.

"Are you sure that you want me to go back to your place?" Rafael asked, and Olivia nodded as she looked at him.

"Might as well continue this party in private." Olivia smiled. She was never the one to take a man home after a night of drinking, but tonight she was too sad to say no to him. She was too sad and angry to be alone.

The ride was short, and eventually, they got up to Olivia's apartment. Olivia unlocked it, before heading inside, Rafael trailing behind her.

"Nice place," Rafael spoke awkwardly as Olivia went and grabbed them each a beer.

"Thanks. It's just a place for me to sleep." Olivia admitted.

"Is this the partner?" Rafael questioned as he pointed to a picture of Elliot and Olivia. Olivia quickly walked over and slammed it face down before turning and walking to Rafael.


"I really need to let go tonight. So can you help me with that?" Olivia questioned quickly.

"Uh, I guess. How do you want to do that?" Rafael replied since Olivia was all over the place at the moment and he didn't want to force anything.

"Sleep with me." Olivia blurted.


"What term do you want me to use?"


"Fuck me! I don't know, just help me!" Olivia exclaimed.

"Okay! Then... I guess we should go to your bedroom!" Rafael exclaimed back.

They rushed to Olivia's bedroom, and every step just seemed awkward. For some reason, as two grown adults that had had sex before, this time seemed weird.

"We should probably get undressed," Rafael spoke, as he stumbled over his words. Olivia nodded before quickly starting to take off her shirts and undoing her belt.

When she looked up, Rafael stood in front of her in just her boxers and she swallowed hard. She took slow steps to where he stood before gently touching his cheek. Rafael's hands went to her waist and he pulled her flush against his body.

"You are stunning." He whispered, and Olivia blushed as she looked down at his lips.

"Can we kis-" Olivia started, but Rafael interrupted her when he leaned in and kissed her.

It started soft but quickly grew hungry and deep. Rafael ran his hands over Olivia's body as he worked their bodies closer to the bed. Rafael pushed Olivia down on the bed, as Olivia breathed heavily.

"Are you sure you want this?" Rafael asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Please, Rafael. After today, I need something good. I need you."

A/N: This book is co-written withc@GirlandHerKeyboard, she will be writing the odd chapters and I will be writing the even chapters. We thank you for joining us on this journey! Don't forget to leave feedback in the comments!

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