~ Chapter Thirty-Seven ~

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Debra paced in the lobby of the jail as she waited for her wife to be released. She had already paid her bail, but now it was a waiting game to see when her wife would waltz out into the lobby and claim that their only son was innocent. 

“We need to get to Charlie.” Serena spoke as soon as she was released.

“We aren’t not going to see Charlie, babe. Not right now.” Debra spoke.

“My baby is in jail for no reason! They forced him into saying those things!” Serena exclaimed, as her wife dragged her from the building.

“Our other child was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance today, Serena!” Debra yelled, once they were out in the cooler night air.

“What?” Serena asked.

“I saw Olivia being rushed to the hospital. She was pale and sweating like crazy. I don’t know what is happening, because I had to come down here and bail your ass out!”

“Is she okay?” Serena whispered, and Debra shrugged.

“I have no idea. So do you want to fight me and force us into seeing Charlie, or should we check on our pregnant daughter?” Debra sighed.

“We should probably go and see Liv.”


As Olivia slept, Rafael found himself wide awake and watching his wife. He was still too scared of everything bad that might happen, and he wouldn’t be able to react fast enough to get his wife and children help.

“There she is.” A voice whispered from outside the room. Rafael quickly lifted his eyes from his phone, just in time to see Debra and Serena tiptoeing into the room.

“Nope!” Rafael whispered as loud as he could. He jumped up and quickly put himself between his sleeping wife and her creeping mothers.

“Rafael, we are here to see her. Is she okay? Deb saw her being rushed here.” Serena breathed.

“You two haven’t been around for months, and now you wanna show back up when she’s hospitalized?”

“She’s pregnant with our grandbabies… and yes, we actually heard that. You two have loud mouths.You two can ignore us all you want, but turning away from us doesn’t change what we heard.” Debra huffed.

“If you hadn’t picked your rapist of a son over Olivia, you totally would have found out with everyone else! Now get the fuck out of here.” Rafael ordered. He put his hands out in front of him and made sure that Debra and Serena didn’t get any closer.

“Charlie is innocent. Olivia’s squad did this. They conspired against my little boy.” Serena growled. Rafael rolled his eyes before turning around and let his hand hover over the call button.

“Get out before I request the nurse. Do you understand me?”

“Babe? What’s wrong?” Olivia yawned, as she kept her eyes closed and her hands cradling her swollen midsection.

“Nothing, Liv. Just go back to sleep. You all need some sleep.” Rafael spoke, as he tried to keep his voice even.

“Liv, honey, your husband won’t let us see you.” Serena spoke. Olivia’s eyes opened up quickly and she turned her head. She spotted her mothers and didn’t know what to say.

After today, she really didn’t want to see her mothers. She hated them almost as much as she hated Charles and the monster he had become.

“He knows exactly what I want, Mama. Rafael has my best interest in mind, and he is just trying to protect his family from two monsters.” Olivia spoke, as tears burned her eyes.

“You can’t just keep us away from those babies!”

“Our babies don’t have to be exposed to you, if we don’t want them to be. If you change and actually show a genuine interest in our lives, then we might be able to work something out. But not at the moment.” Olivia spoke before hitting the call button. 


After the incident that happened the day before, Olivia was told to take it easy until Monday. Then, if she felt well enough, she could return to work. Olivia was exhausted, so she was happy to hang out in bed and read through a baby name book.

“You seem comfy.” Rafael smiled as he walked into their bedroom.

“I am super comfy.” Olivia smiled back, as she rested the book against her belly.

“What have you been doing when I’m downstairs working?” Rafael asked, as he moved over and sat on the edge of the bed.

“I’m naming our three babies. You don’t get a say at all.” Olivia teased.

“Oh really?”

“Totally. I was thinking the girls would be Olivia, and our son would be Benson. I don’t know if that works for you or not… but I don’t care.” Olivia grinned. Rafael let out a loud laugh before reaching out and running his hand over Olivia’s bump, which was barely contained by her current shirt choice.

“Okay, enough with the teasing. Did you decide on anything or not?” Rafael asked.

“I am completely certain on what I’d like our son to be named. But I don’t know if you’d agree.” Olivia sighed softly.

“I’m sure that I’ll love it. Tell me.” Rafael spoke. He slipped closer to his wife, before smiling softly as she fiddled with the book until she found a name she had circled.

“Atlas Grey… Atlas means enduring, and I feel like it will work for him.” Olivia spoke shyly.

“Honey, I don’t know why you didn’t want to tell me that. Atlas is the perfect name for our little guy.” Rafael smiled. Olivia lifted her eyes from the book before locking them with her husband.


“Really, babe. I love it. Atlas Grey goes great with Barba.”

Olivia felt more hyped up now that her husband agreed with her choice. She started to pair together names for their little girls. It was a little harder for them to decide on girl names, because they didn’t know exactly what they wanted. They could do matching names, family names, or just completely random names. In the end, they decided on random names that they thought were cute.

“Where’s Viola again?” Rafael asked softly, as he laid beside his wife and rubbed her stomach gently.

“Honestly, I have no idea. She’s baby B, so in the middle, I’m assuming. Maybe to the side?” Olivia chuckled.

“Well, wherever you are, Viola Claire and Genevieve Grace, you two better not gang up on your brother. Uh, and all three of you better stay put until Mama and I are ready for you. You will probably come early, but in the end, we can’t wait to meet you three. Mama and I have prayed for you three for the longest time, and we lucked out by being blessed with you all at the same time. We won’t have to wait as long.” Rafael breathed. He leaned down and pressed three soft kisses to his wife’s stomach, and then he sat up and kissed Olivia.

“You are going to be a great father, Rafa. Viola, Atlas, and Genevieve are incredibly lucky to have you as a father.”

“I think I’m the lucky one, baby. So beyond lucky.”

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