~ Chapter Twenty-Five ~

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The reception came to an end after midnight, and then Olivia and Rafael had to get changed and then head to the airport. They were rushing a little bit, but still arrived at the airport with an hour to spare.

“So have you been to Cuba before?” Olivia asked her husband as they sat together and waited to board.

“I have been a few times before. But this time will be even better, because I get to spend two weeks with my wife instead of my little sister and mother.” Rafael chuckled.

“I’m excited, Rafa. To be with you without interruption, will be amazing.”

“You have something planned for this trip, don’t you?” Rafael spoke as he pulled his wife closer.

“I always have something planned, my love. But you won’t know until we get there.”

The flight to Cuba was uneventful. Olivia and Rafael each took a nap, but still needed more sleep once they arrived. By the time Olivia woke up, her husband was already back from grocery shopping and was making her a late breakfast.

“Hey.” Olivia smiled as she padded into the kitchen.

“Hey, babe. How’d you sleep?” Rafael asked, as he sat the spoon down before moving to his wife.

“I slept great, but I’m not surprised. The last few weeks have been so stressful, but completely worth it.” Olivia grinned. They shared several kisses before Olivia sat at the table and Rafael put the breakfast on plates and sat one in front of his wife.

They ate and discussed plans for the day, and they decided to spend all day together and in the bedroom. They had wasted too many years of their lives looking for the perfect person to spend their lives with, and now that they were together and married, they wanted to make up for lost time.


The two week long honeymoon flew by. Olivia and Rafael spent a ton of time swimming and exploring the country that Rafael loved so much. However, the best part of the whole trip was just being together. They would cuddle together in bed or on a blanket on the beach, and they would just spend hours talking. They discussed dreams that had changed or popped up since they got engaged and married. Rafael stated the fact that he did want a home at some point, one with a yard that he could play catch with his sons and daughters.

“Where do we want to start?” Olivia asked as she and Rafael carried their luggage into the apartment. Rafael sat his bag down before turning to look at his wife.

“What do you mean? We both go back to work tomorrow, so we should probably head to bed.” Rafael replied.

“I mean that we wanted to look into a family home or something. We wanted to start actively trying to start a family. We have plans, and I wanted to know where we should start.” Olivia replied. She watched as her husband locked the front door before turning back to look at her.

“I like the idea of that middle one.” Rafael spoke as he looked his wife over.

“The middle one?” She asked, as she tried to figure out exactly what she had said. She didn’t get to think long before Rafael moved to her side and looped his arms around her waist.

He tugged her close before pressing a hungry kiss to her lips.

“Does that answer your question?” Rafael whispered, and Olivia nodded.

“Yup, that answers my questions.” Olivia breathed. Rafael unwrapped his arms from around Olivia’s waist before pulling her towards the stairs.

They sped up the stairs as fast as possible before undressing each other in their bedroom. Rafael fumbled a bit on his wife’s bra, but eventually gave up and undid her pants as she unhooked her bra.

“No condom.” Olivia panted as she was pushed onto the bed. Rafael looked up from the drawer he was going through before nodding.

“I guess I forgot already.” He grinned.

“It’s okay. Just get back over here. I’m really tired of waiting.” Olivia whined.

“You are very impatient Mrs. Barba.”

“Just like my husband.”


Olivia and Rafael planned on enjoying the newlywed phase, but once they got back from the honeymoon, it was like they got hit with more work than ever before. Rafael was in court every day, and Olivia slept at the precinct more times than not. It was as if they weren’t even married, because they never ended up spending time together.

“Liv?” Rafael asked, as he looked up from his computer and spotted his wife in the doorway of his office.

“Hey, babe.” She smiled weakly. She shut the door as she moved into the office before going over to his desk. Rafael pulled his wife onto his lap before starting to kiss her. They shared several kisses before Olivia just snuggled close to her husband and ran her hand over his chest.

“I’m exhausted.” Rafael admitted, as he closed his eyes and held Olivia close.

“I am too.”

“Did Cragen send you home, or did you just take a break to come and see me?” Rafael questioned.

“I’m only taking a break. We are so short, but there is nothing he can do to change that. We are just going to work ourselves to death and then get an officer’s funeral.” Olivia yawned.

“I really wish we were back in Cuba. Then we could be drinking those fruity drinks and watching the sunset. Instead, I am wearing the same suit that I was on Friday and I haven’t slept in our bed for over a week.” Rafael yawned louder than his wife had.

“The first chance we get, we need to run away for the weekend. Or just not leave our apartment for a few days.” 

“I am completely on board with that idea.”

“I miss being with you, Rafa… but I don’t even have enough energy to offer making love right now.”

“I don’t blame you. So why don’t we go over and take a nap on my couch for a little bit?”

“Hell yeah.”

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