~ Chapter Ten ~

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Amanda stood outside of the Italian place she and Olivia had agreed to meet at, but Olivia was late. It was unlike the brunette to be late without calling or texting, so Amanda found herself on a bench and got comfortable before dialing Olivia's number. The line rang for a moment before connecting.

"Hey, I'm on my way. I got caught up at the courthouse, " Olivia said calmly, hiding the tears in her voice.

"Okay, I'm here. Uh, I'm on the bench on the left side of the door. I'll see you soon."

"Sounds good, I'll be there in ten."

"See you then, " Amanda smiled, hanging up the line.

Olivia had taken the long way from the courthouse to the restaurant so she could gather herself. She was too broken for a well-off man like him. Hell, he could have any woman in this city and be better off with her than he ever would be with me, she thought to herself as the restaurant came into view. She saw Amanda sitting on the bench she'd called from minutes ago, flipping through something on her phone.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, " Olivia smiled, as she approached Amanda. 

"It's okay, how are you? Everything okay?" Amanda questioned, hugging her friend.

"I'm good, just got caught in the conversation at the courthouse. Everything's fine, let's head in."

Amanda and Olivia got seated in a booth near the back of the restaurant. A favorite place of Olivia's to sit because of the privacy, but it also allowed her to see the whole restaurant with her back against the wall.

"Liv?" Amanda called, pulling Olivia from her thoughts.

"Hmm, sorry, " Olivia shook her head slightly, "did you say something?"

"I asked if you were okay, you seem distant tonight, " Amanda said kindly, simply worried about her friend.

"Sorry, " Olivia frowned, swirling the red liquid in her glass, "I ran into Barba at the courthouse today."

"Ah, what happened?" Amanda questioned, hoping the two of them had come to some kind of understanding.

"We spoke to each other about the incidents. He confessed his liking of me and I shut him down, " Olivia spoke nervously, playing with the tie around her cutlery.

"Olivia, why? You two would be so good together. Granted these last few weeks have been awkward, but you two complement each other from what I can see. Why do you keep pushing him away?"

"Because I'm not good enough for him, " Olivia spoke plainly as their meals were sat in front of them.

"Olivia stop degrading yourself, " Amanda said gently, "you don't see yourself the way we do."

"Amanda, " Olivia laughed bitterly, "I'm not good enough for him, it's as easy as that. He could have any woman in this city and he's chasing after me. I'm damaged goods. I am bumped, bruised, and scarred. No man would ever want this and he certainly doesn't need to pity me."

"Olivia, " Amanda whimpered, "how can you say that stuff about yourself? You're one of the strongest women I know. Any man would be lucky to have a girl like you. You are the reason our squad works, you're the glue. You make men collapse under your stare. You make heads turn when you walk into a room. I don't know what more could qualify you to take Rafael Barba off the market, but it's clear he only has eyes for you."

"I say this stuff about myself because it's true. Heads don't turn for me, Amanda, I think you need to open your eyes and notice the men are staring at you, " Olivia sighed, sipping the last of her wine.

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