~ Chapter Six ~

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Olivia stood up slowly from her desk and moved to Cragen's closed office door. She drew her shaky hand from her side and rattled it against the door until he told her to come in. 

"Olivia? Is everything okay?" He questioned, quickly moving to his visibly shaken detective's side.

"Uh, I need to take some leave, " Olivia sniffled, holding herself up with the chair in front of her shaking body.

"Olivia, what's going on?" Cragen questioned, guiding Olivia into the chair that was supporting her. 

"Uh, my mom just called, " Olivia whimpered, "a childhood friend of mine was in a car accident, " Olivia shook her head in disbelief, "she didn't make it, Captain."

"Liv, " Cragen sighed, "I'm so sorry for your loss. How much time are you gonna need, kid?"

"A week at the most. I have to travel for the funeral."

"Take it, " Cragen nodded, "and Olivia?"

"Yeah Captain?" Olivia questioned with her shaky hand around the doorknob.

"Take care of yourself, okay?"

"I will, " Olivia nodded, leaving him in his office.


"Olivia, " Serena spoke, seeing her daughter come into view at the airport. 

"Mama, " Olivia whispered, moving in for a hug.

"Oh sweetie, " Serena cooed, holding her daughter tightly, "I'm so sorry for your loss, sweetie."

Olivia nodded against her mom's shoulder before pulling away to hug her brother and sister.

"You guys are coming too?" Olivia questioned, taking her niece from her sister's hip.

"Of course, " Stephanie said, rubbing her sister's back, "we all knew and loved Regina, and more importantly we all adore the Turner's so we want to be there for them."

"Great, " Olivia nodded, she hugged her niece before setting her back on her feet and leaning on her brother.

"You okay, Livvie?" Charles questioned, side hugging his sister.

"Meh. Not really. This isn't exactly how I pictured spending my Labor Day weekend."

"I hear ya there, " Charles chuckled under his breath.

The plane ride was long and exhausting. Olivia had gotten the aisle seat, and she was stuck in the row with her sister and niece so any chances of sleep were out the window. Her brother and moms were a row behind them, so when Olivia looked to her left and saw a familiar face she knew all too well.

"Mrs. Barba, " Olivia smiled and the older woman turned.

"Yes? Do I know you?" Lucia spoke, slightly taken back by the young woman beside her.

"It's me, Olivia Benson, I used to go to school with your son."

"Olivia, " Lucia smiled, "oh you've blossomed into a beautiful young woman. How are you?"

"I've been better, " Olivia sighed, softly smiling at the older woman.

"We're heading to Vermont for the same reason I assume, " Lucia spoke with pursed lips.

"Regina Turner, " Olivia nodded, "she was far too young. Soon to be married and just a true light in this dark world."

"I couldn't have said it better myself, " Lucia spoke, handing Olivia a tissue.

Olivia sniffled and wiped away her tears. The two women talked the whole flight about everything they could think of. Most of the conversation with Lucia was her relaying information to Olivia about what she was like when she was younger. Before they knew it the plane touched down and they went their separate ways. 

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