~ Chapter Twenty-Three ~

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“Hey!” Olivia smiled as she swung open the front door to the penthouse. 

“Hey, sweetie. Are you ready for tonight?” Serena asked as she stepped into the apartment. Debra and Stephanie stepped in behind her, before shutting the door.

“I am excited to hang out with everyone, but I currently am not completely ready to leave.” Olivia laughed softly as she pointed at her eyes.

“Yeah, you might want to finish that eyeliner. You look weird.” Stephanie grinned.

Debra stayed downstairs to let Amanda, Lucia, and Camellia into the apartment when they arrived, so Serena and Stephanie followed Olivia back upstairs.

They sat on the bed as Olivia finished her makeup before helping her pick out a dress.

“Are you ready for tomorrow?” Serena asked, and Olivia nodded as her little sister zipped up her dress.

“I am so ready to get married. My dress fits perfectly and everything is truly falling into place.”

“I know that when I married your mother, it was the first time I felt like I was truly in the place I belonged. I know tomorrow you will feel the same. Now, get your shoes on and grab your purse. We are going to get some drinks and dinner.”

“Just don’t let me drink too much tonight, guys. I refuse to be bloated for my wedding. So just a few glasses of wine max, okay?”

“Gotcha.” Stephanie smiled.


The first stop for the night was at the police bar near the precinct. Olivia wanted to see her fiance for the last time before they got married. 

“What are you doing here, Benson?” Fin asked, as soon as Olivia walked into the bar. She smiled as she left her group and walked over to the booth where the guys were sitting.

“I wanted to see my man. And as of tomorrow, I think you’ll have to start calling me Barba.” Olivia beamed. She was so excited to be Mrs. Rafael Barba. To be spending the rest of her life with the one man that made her beyond happy.

“Well he is in the bathroom, but you girls can join us for a bit.” Fin replied. He gave Olivia a quick hug before sitting back down. 

Olivia went back to the bar and ordered a glass of wine before heading to the booth. Rafael had invited his brother-in-law, Cragen, John, and Fin to his party, so his group was much smaller than Olivia’s group for the night.

“So what are your plans for the night?” Serena asked, as Olivia sipped from her wine and started to think about tomorrow.

“Drinking here and then probably going to a strip club.” Fin replied, before laughter erupted from around the table. Olivia had set ground rules, and there would be no strippers.

“Liv?” Amanda asked, since Olivia wasn’t laughing. Olivia didn’t get a chance to respond before her fiance was sitting down beside her and kissing her cheek softly.

“I’m so happy to see you.” Rafael breathed.

“Hi.” Olivia replied shyly.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m just a little tired. I might go and get coffee. I’ll be right back.” Olivia spoke. Rafael let her out of the booth before watching as she walked back to the bar.

“She is acting weird. Did something happen?” Rafael asked, and everyone shrugged.

“I don’t think so. She seemed fine when they got here.” Fin spoke. Rafael nodded hesitantly before standing and moving to the bar. He placed his hands on Olivia's back before kissing the back of her head.

“Did someone say something that bothered you? I know that you are stressed over the wedding, but I hope no one said something to make your stress worse.” Rafael frowned.

“Can I have some space, Rafa? I love you, but I’m a little overwhelmed and don’t want to be touched.” Olivia whispered. Rafael stepped back and nodded.

“Do you want me to get your moms? You guys could head out and head back home. Maybe just order something to eat and drink there?” Rafael offered, and Olivia shook her head before quickly turning and walking towards the door.

“Liv!” Rafael called, but his fiancee was already outside.


Olivia didn’t tell anyone where she was going, but she was easy to find. They found her at the park across from her old apartment building, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Baby, what’s wrong? Why did you leave?” Serena asked, as she sank down onto the bench beside her daughter.

“I can’t do this. I can’t get married.” Olivia whispered as another tear slipped down her cheek.

“You can’t get married? Honey, you love Rafael and are so excited about tomorrow!” Serena exclaimed.

“He is going to be the last man I am ever with, and all I can think about is if we get bored. Or if he gets bored! What if he gets tired of me and cheats? Like what if we start fighting and we end up divorced?! I don’t wanna get divorced! I’m too old to find someone else!” Olivia cried. She stood quickly and started to pace the grass in front of the bench as everyone watched her.

She was having a panic attack, and it was different from the ones before. She wasn’t curled up in a ball and panting hard, as her chest felt like it was going to explode. This time she was pacing, breathing heavily, and crying like a baby. 

“Hey, slow down. Everything is okay. You aren’t in danger and you are safe here with us all. We love you so much, and we are here to make sure you are okay.” Lucia spoke as she grabbed Olivia by her arms. She pulled her close before pulling her into a tight hug.

“He is going to be unhappy for the rest of his life if he marries me tomorrow.” Olivia whispered, as she rested her forehead against Lucia’s shoulder.

“He is going to be the happiest tomorrow, honey. He loves you, and cannot wait to spend the rest of his life with you.” Lucia replied gently.

“I don’t know.” Olivia whispered.

“You may be unsure now, but tomorrow you are going to be certain that everything is exactly how it is supposed to be. You two are meant to be together and start a family together. I haven’t seen my son this happy… well, ever before. So I know that this is the real deal. You are anxious about your future, but just know that he will never want to leave you and he will never stop loving you.” Lucia spoke softly as she continued to hug Olivia tightly.

They were silent for a while, before Olivia stepped back and rubbed tears from her cheeks.

“Can you guys do me a favor?” Olivia sniffled.

“Anything, Liv.” Amanda spoke quickly.

“Would you mind hanging out with the guys for a while so I can talk to Rafael? Apologize for being short with him?”

“Of course. I’ll call him to figure out where they are.”


Rafael concentrated on his fiancee as she explained why she was feeling this way. She told him everything, and in the end they were back on good terms.

“So tomorrow I will see you at the end of the aisle on your moms’ arms?” Rafael asked, and Olivia nodded.

“Yeah, I will be the one in white.” Olivia smiled.

“I will be the man at the end crying like a baby as soon as I lay eyes on you. Because I will always love you, care about you, and forever want you by my side.”

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