~ Chapter Four ~

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Debra awoke to a sound she knew all too well, the sound of her daughter’s muffled cries through the bedroom walls. After many breakups and fights, Debra mastered deciphering which cries were coming from who, but tonight it was clear because only one of her children was home. Debra quietly slipped out of bed and padded down the hall to Olivia’s room. 

Debra knocked softly before cracking the door open, “Sweetie, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Momma, ” Olivia sniffled, wiping her tears.

“Mom, ” Charles chimed in through the phone.

“Charlie, what are you doing on the phone with your sister this late at night?” Debra scolded, turning on the bedside lamp before climbing in beside Olivia.

“She called and needed to talk. Plus, I’m a grown adult, so it doesn’t matter what time it is if my sister needs me, she needs me, and that’s the end of the story. Anyway, Olivia is not fine.”

“Charles, ” Olivia whimpered.

“Charlie, watch your tone. Also, I’m very aware that your sister is not okay because it’s nearly five in the morning, and she hasn’t slept a lick, not to mention she has been crying all afternoon.”

“Yeah, she’s pretty upset about him leaving, ” Charles spoke, trying to be sensitive to his sister’s emotions.

“Guys, I’m sitting right here, ” Olivia whimpered.

“We know, ” Debra spoke, wrapping her arms around Olivia. “Charles, we’re going to let you go, okay? Go get some sleep and call if you need anything, we love you kiddo.”

“I love you guys too. Olivia, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call, okay?”

“I won’t, ” Olivia sniffled, “goodnight.”

“Goodnight, ” Charles yawned before hanging up.

Debra held Olivia tightly until she stopped crying so heavily. It was clear to Debra and to their whole family that Elliot meant a lot to Olivia. He’d been by her side for the last twelve years, and although the two of them never admitted to anything, they all thought something was going on between them.

“Why does this hurt you so bad?” Debra asked with only good intentions, but as soon as the words slipped her mouth, she knew it came out all wrong.

Olivia’s eyes filled with tears and became impossibly more bloodshot, “He and I have been through everything together. He was there for me during and after every hard case. He was there when I got held at gunpoint. He took care of me when I was sick, and protected me when I was being stalked. He was my other half! I loved him, and he just walked away!” Olivia screamed, clearly overwhelmed and upset that her mother thought she was overreacting.

“Olivia Margaret, ” Debra whispered, reaching for her daughter, who was now pacing in front of her.

“He was there when Stephanie went into preterm labor with Matilda, and I don’t know if you remember, but he drove me to the hospital that night and stayed with me until everyone was out of the woods. He was my rock, my best friend, my left hand, and I hate to admit it, but he was my protector. He always had my back and always made sure I was safe. I need him!”

“Olivia, now you’re being extreme, ” Debra spoke.

“Debra, ” Serena spoke softly from the doorway.

“I’m sorry, but this is ridiculous, she’s saying that she needs a man, and that’s not the independent Olivia I know, ” Debra sighed.

“Because I’m not independent, ” Olivia screamed, her voice giving out somewhere in the middle.

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