~ Chapter Thirty-Five ~

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Pregnancy was tough for Olivia, but she loved the experience. She had to admit that she could do without the morning sickness, tender breast, and headaches, but she loved the fact that she was growing a baby, and that made all the difference.

Rafael hated to see his wife so sick sometimes, but that little smile that grew on her face when she felt better and got back to talking about their little one, he felt like everything would be better sooner than they thought. Rafael doted on his wife, and he always made sure that every morning and night he checked on her and made sure she never went without something she wanted or needed.

“Thirteen weeks.” Rafael grinned as he and Olivia walked into Dr. Morrison’s office.

“I’m already starting to show, Rafa. Just imagine what I’ll look like at full term. Like, I already need to get bigger slacks because these are tight.” Olivia sighed, as she glanced over at her husband. He stopped her before reaching down and gently running his fingers over the bump that had developed a lot since they found out.

“Okay, but you look adorable. Pregnancy looks great on you, love.” Rafael smiled. 

Olivia closed her eyes tightly, as she stepped forward and hugged Rafael tightly.

“Are you okay?” Rafael asked after several moments of just hugging his wife.

“You are being sweet and made me cry… that isn’t fair.”


Olivia had her usual initial checks before being ushered back to where the tech was waiting for them.

“Alright, so Dr. Morrison said that we are just checking on the baby and making sure there aren’t any abnormalities at the moment.”

“Sounds good.” Olivia breathed, as she rolled her shirt up and undid her slacks before laying back. 

Olivia and Rafael watched the screen in amazement as they saw their baby again. This time their baby was bigger and a tad easier to see. The tech made sure to go step by step with the couple and explained everything that she was seeing. But then suddenly, the tech just went silent.

“Is everything okay?” Rafael asked.

“Uh, give me one moment. I need to go and get Dr. Morrison. Hold tight.” She spoke before she stood quickly and left. Olivia looked up at Rafael as tears welled in her eyes.

“The baby is sick, isn’t it?” Olivia whispered, and Rafael shook his head as he released Olivia’s hand so he could wipe tears from her cheeks and caress her hair at the same time.

“I don’t know, baby. But Dr. Morrison will come in and make us feel better.”

“But what if she can’t make us feel better? The tech looked almost nervous and scared.” Olivia whimpered.

“Don’t lose hope, babe. We need to stay hopeful, because if you give up… our baby will too. Okay?”

“Okay.” Olivia whispered.

Dr. Morrison took her sweet time joining the couple in the room. The tech sat down and relocated what was concerning her during the scan. Dr. Morrison looked at it for several moments before nodding.

“Okay, Olivia and Rafael, I don’t think this is bad. Now, clean yourself up and head home. I will call you when I get your test results back and we can discuss this soon.” Dr. Morrison smiled, but that isn’t what they wanted to hear. The anxious couple wanted to know exactly what was happening with their unborn child.

“No, Dr. Morrison! Tell us! I can’t be worrying about our baby for the next few days when you could give us some idea of what to expect!” Olivia cried as she sat up quickly.

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