~ Chapter Seventeen ~

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Their weekend was amazing, and it truly ignited their relationship. Olivia felt safe with Rafael, and she knew that he was the one for her. They felt so confident about their relationship that they decided to spend Thanksgiving together. 

“Okay, so we are watching the parade and eating breakfast with my family, and then dinner with yours?” Olivia asked as she and Rafael got ready for bed the night before Thanksgiving.

“Yes, baby. I have told you that a million times.” Rafael replied as he pulled back the blankets.

“Hey, I’m just asking because my mother keeps texting to confirm. She’s excited to see you again, especially since you haven’t seen my family since I was hospitalized.” Olivia replied.

“Yeah, and that was a rough day… a rough few days.” Rafael frowned. He climbed into bed beside Olivia before reaching out to her. She slipped closer to him before kissing her softly.

“I don’t want rough days again, Rafa.”

“There will always be rough days, but with you by my side… they won’t be as bad. Now, we should get some sleep. Especially since we have to drive out to eat breakfast with your family and then head back into the city for the parade.”

“We should just skip tomorrow and spend all of our time here… together… in this bed.” Olivia grinned before wrapping her arms tightly around her boyfriend’s body.

“Our moms would try to ground us.” Rafael laughed.


They got up early the next morning and got on the road as early as possible to get out to Olivia’s parents’ house. Stephanie and Charles were already there when they arrived, and Matilda was waiting outside to greet her aunt.

“Auntie Liv!” Matilda exclaimed as she sprinted off the deck and straight to the car.

“Hey, baby! It’s so good to see you.” Olivia smiled, as she lifted the girl and held her close.

“We get to see the balloons today! Did Gran and Nana tell you?!” Matilda exclaimed, and Olivia laughed softly and nodded.

“Yeah, they did. We are hoping to get good spots so you can see everything.” Olivia smiled. She held Matilda for a few moments longer, before placing her on her hip and looking at Rafael.

“Mattie, this is Rafael. He’s my boyfriend. I don’t know if you remember him, but he is an amazing guy.” Olivia spoke, as Rafael walked up to them.

“Hi, Rafa,” Matilda replied shyly.

“Hi, sweetie. Your dress is super pretty.” Rafael spoke, and Matilda smiled.

“Thanks! Mama and I are matching!”

“Mattie, sweet girl, we need Auntie Liv and Rafael to come inside now! Breakfast is almost ready, so herd them in.” Debra called, and Matilda nodded.

“Coming, Nana!”

Once inside and Olivia was passed between her siblings and mothers, they sat down at the kitchen table and started to eat. Matilda was talking a mile a minute about the parade, so no one really got a word in edgewise.

“So while she is washing her face and hands, how have you two been?” Serena asked, as looked between her daughter and Rafael.

“We have been great, Mama. The ride was nice, and we are looking forward to today.”

“Are you two living together yet?” Stephanie asked, and Olivia shook her head. She knew that her family would try to ask as many questions as possible to get a feel for this relationship, but also to probably embarrass Olivia a bit.

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