~ Chapter Twenty-Six ~

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Olivia dragged herself out of the cribs and straight to the coffee pot. It had been another stressful week of cases and with the fourth of July the Thursday before they were getting outpours of allegations from weekend parties.

"Olivia, when was the last time you went home?" Cragen questioned, seeing his detective slump into her chair. 

"I don't know, I think the last time I slept in my own bed was the night I got back from Cuba, so June twenty-third, " she yawned, sipping on the burnt coffee.

"Go home and get some real shuteye, kid, " Cragen said with a sigh, "Dodds has found us two new detectives, a Kat Tamin from vice and a Dominick Carisi from Brooklyn SVU."

"Oh thank God, " Olivia sighed, "I'll be back in the morning."

"Sounds good and Liv?"

"Yeah, Captain?" Olivia questioned, gathering her things.

"Take that DA of yours home too."

"I will, " Olivia smiled.

After grabbing Rafael from an empty interrogation room the couple headed home to their neglected penthouse. The two of them had been in and out of the last two weeks to change and shower, but that had been the extent of their time being home.

"I want to sleep, " Olivia whined, climbing the stairs to their room.

"Me too, but I need a shower, " Rafael remarked after smelling his suit.

"A quick shower and then sleep, " Olivia sighed.

Olivia and Rafael both woke early the next morning feeling more rested than either of them had in weeks. The sun was starting to come over the skyline of New York when Olivia turned and snuggled into her husband's chest.

"Feeling well-rested?" Rafael questioned, twirling a piece of Olivia's hair around his finger.

"Mhmm, best I've felt in two weeks, " Olivia hummed, throwing a leg over her husband's waist, "how about you?"

"I'm feeling good if I do say so myself, " Rafael grumbled, as Olivia straddled his waist.

Olivia ground her hips against Rafael, feeling him stiffen against her pantie-covered mound. The feeling of him against her was enough to cause her arousal to grow rapidly. Before Rafael knew it her mouth was wrapped around him, making him disappear into her warm wet mouth. Olivia sucked and circled her tongue around him before feeling the ache grow at the apex of her thighs.

Olivia practically tore her panties off herself before lowering her hips. She had him deep inside of her and between her bouncing and him meeting her with a thrust, she knew she would last long. Rafael shot his warm seed inside of her and Olivia came undone, collapsing into Rafael's chest.

"Holy shit, Olivia, " Rafael panted, holding his trembling wife against his chest.

"Wow, " Olivia remarked, "I guess we needed that."

"Yeah, we did, " Rafael chuckled, as Olivia slid off of him.

"I love you, " Olivia whispered, kissing her husband's lips.

"I love you too, mí amor, " Rafael smiled, "now what do you say we get some breakfast? I'm famished."

"Mmm, I want pancakes."

"Pancakes it is, " Rafael agreed.

Olivia and Rafael got ready for work and headed out to their favorite hole-in-the-wall breakfast place before parting ways for work. At the precinct, for once, things were slow. Everyone was catching up on paperwork and getting ready for the arrival of their new detectives. Cragen had insisted he switch up partners so desks were changed and the layout changed, so when Rafael arrived to deliver his wife lunch he was widely confused.

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