~ Chapter Forty-Six ~

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Since finding out her mother was sick, Olivia was spending a lot of time with her. Almost every day Olivia was at her mother's house, helping with housework and letting her babies bond with their grandmother. She was pulling down the street her childhood house was on when she heard sirens and saw a parade of police cars parked outside of her house.

"Ma'am we need you to stay back, " an officer spoke, as Olivia pulled into the chaos. 

"That's my home, " Olivia's voice trembled as she looked at the officer.

"Detective Barba, " the man sighed, "you and Rafael live on the Upper East Side. This isn't SVU, why are you here?"

"This is my parent's house, what's going on?" Olivia demanded as she grew aggravated with the young officer.

"We're making arrests on fraud, " the officer grumbled.

"On fraud?! For fucks sake, have you lost your mind? My mother is sick, she has an inoperable brain tumor."

"No Olivia, " the officer sighed, "your mother has been falsifying her medical records with a man named George Valentino."

Olivia soaked in the information for a split second, feeling her blood boil with immense anger. She threw her vehicle into reverse and sped off to Rafael's office. She squealed her tires in the parking garage and parked. After she had two of her babies situated on her chest and the third in the stroller she made her way to her husband's office.

"Olivia, " Carmen smiled, "what a surprise I didn't expect to catch you here for a while. He's not busy, you can head in."

"Thanks, " Olivia smiled half-heartedly before barging into her husband's office.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Rafael smiled, quickly moving to his wife, to pick up his son from the stroller.

"You aren't going to believe this, " Olivia growled, laying a blanket on the floor for her babies to lay on.

"What?" Rafael furrowed his brow, "you seem angry."

"Oh angry is an understatement!" Olivia yelled, shaking with rage.

"Deep breath, " Rafael coddled, "what's going on?"

"Guess who was at mom's this morning, " Olivia paused, her eyes filled with anger and hurt.

"Charlie?" Rafael questioned.

"Oh no, " Olivia shook her head, "even better, the goddamn fucking fraud department!"

"Wait, what?"

"The fraud department, " Olivia growled, pacing the length of her husband's office, "better yet, get this, Serena isn't sick. She's been falsifying her medical records with a man they've been tracking. The bitch lied to Stephanie, lied to me -- to us, and now she's going to jail just like her no good, piece of a shit son. Oh, and Debra will lose her job because she's a co-conspirator! Goddamn!"

"Breath, Olivia, " Rafael sighed, pulling his pacing wife to a stop against his chest.

"I-I just can't believe this, " Olivia sniffled, tucking her head in Rafael's chest. 

"I know my love, this isn't how we pictured their involvement in our lives. I know you wanted more than anything for everything to go back to normal, but people make decisions without thinking about how they'll affect others."

"How do you protect an abuser? How do you lie to your daughters about dy-dying?" Olivia whimpered, clinging to her husband's suit jacket.

Rafael sighed, rubbing his wife's back, "I don't know, baby, but what I do know is that you'd never do that to our babies and that's what matters. I love you and you love me and that's all we need. Mamí, Camellia, Giovanni, Stephanie, Matilda, and our babies are the only family we need."

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