~ Chapter Twenty-Eight ~

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While still deciding on their course of action for infertility there was nothing they could do to get pregnant so the couple focused on Christmas. Tonight, the last Saturday before Christmas, was Olivia's family's annual Christmas party. The couple had been to both the Christmas party for the DA's office and the one-six already this season, but Olivia had promised she'd at least make an appearance.

"Olivia, honey, are you almost ready? If we don't leave in five we're going to be late, " Rafael called, poking his head into the bathroom. 

"They expect me to be late, " Olivia giggled, layering the mascara on her long lashes.

Rafael chuckled, "you look beautiful, " grinning from ear to ear as he slid his hand over her black pantyhose under her short black skirt. 

"Hands off, " Olivia ordered, swatting his hand, "you and I both know we won't make it to my mothers' if you do that."

"So let's not go, " Rafael offered, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist, pulling her black flush to his chest.

Olivia shook her head, "we promised we'd make an appearance mister, so why don't you go warm up the car. I'll be right down."

Rafael huffed and kissed his wife's cheek before leaving the penthouse with his coat to go warm up the car. Olivia pulled on her red stilettos and covered her long-sleeved white bodysuit with a red cardigan. She sighed not wanting to go to the party, but she'd made a promise and was going to keep it. She locked up the apartment and met Rafael downstairs at the front door of their building.


"We're here, " Rafael smiled as he parked behind a car down the street from her moms' house.

"We stay two hours tops, " Olivia smiled, "because I want to take you home and to bed."

"I like the sound of that, " Rafael chuckled, getting out to help Olivia from the car. 

The pair entered the home and discarded their jackets on the coat rack before making their way into the home. Stephanie and Matilda were talking to a woman Olivia had never seen before, Deb was entertaining friends from work while Serena talked with Charles and some of her more distant family.

"I don't want to be here, " Olivia whispered, feeling Rafael's grip tighten on her hip.

"Overwhelmed?" Rafael questioned as Serena spotted them.

"Something just feels off, " Olivia said, moving them towards her mother, brother, and other family.

"Olivia, you made it, " Serena smiled, pulling her daughter into a hug.

"I did, " Olivia spoke cheerfully, putting on a fake face for her family.

Olivia lost Rafael to her brother and some of her uncles and cousins because they insisted on getting to know him better. She was thankful Charles already knew him well, so he could keep their uncles and cousins from intimidating him, not that they had a reason to. Olivia made her rounds conversing with aunts and cousins, saying her hellos to her mom's co-workers, and most importantly spending time with her niece in a back room away from everyone. She found it easy to slip away and play dolls with Matilda with a princess movie on as background noise, at least easier than small talking with adults she didn't even want to be around. 

"Auntie Livvie, I'm sleepy, " Matilda spoke after rambling about what she wanted for Christmas.

"Well, why don't you snuggle up on this big couch with this cozy soft blanket, and try to fall asleep?" Olivia smiled, tucking in her niece.

"Thank you for playing with me Auntie, " Matilda yawned, snuggling up in the blanket.

"You're welcome, Mattie, sleep tight and sweet dreams, " Olivia kissed her niece's head and left the room quietly as the girl dozed off to sleep.

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