~ Chapter Thirteen ~

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Olivia was nervous about her morning coffee with Rafael. She didn’t want him to look at her and think that she was damaged goods, especially since it was hard enough for herself to think that she wasn’t damaged goods.

“Where are you going?” Debra asked as she walked into her daughter’s room.

“I’m going out for breakfast, ” Olivia replied softly.

“Then what are you going to do?” Debra questioned.

“Mom.” Olivia frowned as she turned away from her mirror and looked at her mother.

“Baby, I’m just making sure you are staying occupied until you get cleared for duty.”

“Don’t worry about me… I’ll figure something out. I was thinking about getting back into running. Maybe I could get a massage or something.” Olivia replied. She walked over and grabbed her necklace before passing it to her mother for help.

“You should call Stephanie and see if you could steal Matilda for the day. She’d love time with her favorite Auntie.” Debra smiled as she clasped the necklace for her eldest.

“Mom, I’m her only aunt. Maybe I’ll do that, though. I’ll call you when I figure out what I’m planning.” Olivia smiled weakly as she turned to look at her mother.

“Okay, sweetie. I love you.”

“I love you too, Mom.”


Olivia arrived at Sullivan’s Diner half an hour early. She sat in her car and played with her hair, before moving to smoothing her shirt and playing with her necklace. 

“He isn’t going to show up… why would he?” Olivia whispered, after looking at the clock and seeing that Rafael was five minutes late. She felt like she’d never make things better with him. Olivia was just about to start crying when Rafael knocked on her window. She jumped before rolling it down and looked at him.

“H-hi.” She whispered.

“Hey, I’m sorry that I’m late. I got caught up in traffic. Are you ready to head inside?” Rafael questioned, and Olivia nodded quickly.

“Yeah, I’m ready.”

They walked in together and got a booth in the back. A server came up and got their drink orders while Olivia and Rafael looked over the menu.

“Are you hungry?” Rafael asked, and Olivia shook her head.

“Not really.”

“Did you eat before you came? We have known each other for years, and I have seen you eat before.” Rafael smiled weakly.

“No, I’m just not hungry. I think that the coffee will be enough for my breakfast.” Olivia lied. She knew that she should be eating more, but she didn’t want to force herself into eating to only throw it up in an hour.

“Okay. So what did you want to talk about?” Rafael frowned.

“I’d like to talk about us.”

“There isn’t an us, Liv. I’m sorry, but after what happened I don’t think there could ever be an us.”

“What about friends?” Olivia whispered as tears started to burn her eyes. She had to wait for a response because the server came back with their coffees and then took Rafael’s breakfast order.

“I don’t know anymore, Olivia. After everything that happened, all I can think about is having to bury you.”

“You won’t! I’m on antidepressants, and I’m going to therapy twice a week! Rafael, please!” Olivia begged.

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