~ Chapter Twenty-One ~

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Life after getting engaged was beyond amazing. Olivia loved the early stages of wedding planning, along with knowing she had finally found the one for her. She and Rafael moved in together, officially, and they made Rafael’s penthouse into something they both loved. Olivia and Rafael were both incredibly happy, which was a nice change for both of them.

“Happy Birthday.” Rafael smiled as he opened his bedroom door. Olivia was still bundled up in the middle of the bed, her eyes barely opening when her fiance walked in.

“Thanks. What time is it?” She yawned as Rafael carried her breakfast on a tray before sitting it on the bedside table.

“It is eight, so you still have the entire day to celebrate being thirty-six.” Rafael smiled. He leaned in and kissed Olivia several times before helping her sit up. He got her comfortable on the bed before giving her the tray and sinking down beside her.

“I’m not excited.” Olivia frowned before taking a sip from her coffee.

“Why not? You survived another trip around the sun.”

“I’m getting old, Rafa. I wasted most of my life searching for something, and it took me thirty-six years to find it.”

“You aren’t old, Liv. You get better with age, love. Like wine.” Rafael smiled.

“Do you ever get worried about what will happen once we are married and start trying to have a baby?” Olivia asked, and Rafael shrugged as he gently tucked some hair behind Olivia’s ear.

“God has a plan, Liv. If we have to turn to adoption or using a surrogate, I’m good with either. As long as we can have a family together, I don’t care how it happens.” Rafael spoke.

“But I want to have a baby, Rafa. One that looks like us and who we get to create together… I have nothing against adoption but I want the experience.” Olivia sighed.

Olivia always hated her birthday, especially as she got much older. She hated to think that she was wasting time by being lonely and bitter, and how she might be the one ruining her life and chance to become a mother.

“I don’t want you to worry about something that we don’t have any control over. Especially not today. So eat your breakfast, get showered, and then we are going to head out to see your moms.”

“Why?” Olivia whined.

“Because you are their first born and they want to see you. Tonight we are partying, so you better be in a good mood later. Or else we won’t have any fun.”


Debra and Serena made all of Olivia’s favorite foods for her birthday lunch, and then they played a few games while they wasted time. Olivia’s big birthday party wasn’t until later, once the crew was done for the night and Charlie could get into town, so they had plenty of time to hang out. 

“So are you ready to head out?” Rafael asked, as he came out of the bathroom in his suit. He wasn’t wearing his vest or his tie, but he still knew Olivia liked him in it.

“Can we stay home?” Olivia asked, as she twirled her engagement ring around on her finger.


“I’m just really down today, Rafa. Please, just let me stay home. I don’t want to celebrate being one year closer to dying.” Olivia frowned.

Rafael sighed softly, before moving and sitting on the bottom of the bed with Olivia. He wrapped his arm around her waist, before placing a soft kiss to her cheek.

“Charlie came into town for your party, and the crew is going to be there. Stephanie even got your moms to watch Mattie tonight so we could all celebrate with you. I know that if we won’t go, they will be disappointed that they didn’t get to see you.”

“I’m not going. So you can go and hang out with them, but I won’t be there.” Olivia huffed. She raked her fingers through her curls, before standing and escaping into the bathroom.

Rafael went to follow her, but Olivia had locked the door so he couldn’t go in. 

“I guess I’ll go and cancel. I’ll order some take out and-”

“I want to be alone, Rafael! So please, go by yourself and have fun! I’ll be good here.”


Olivia left the bathroom after she was sure her fiance had left. She got out of her dress and into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. She pushed her curls into a bun, before heading downstairs to open a bottle of wine and eat some cold pizza from the night before. She was just rounding the corner, when she saw that the crew and her siblings were sitting in the living room with beers in hand and they were watching a movie.

Rafael walked out of the kitchen and smiled when he saw Olivia.

“Hey, babe.”

“You left over an hour ago… you were supposed to meet up with them.” Olivia grumbled as she tugged at the bottom of her shirt.

“They all insisted on coming over and hanging out here.” Rafael replied.

“Guys, I wanted to be alone. So please-”

“Getting old sucks, kid.” Cragen sighed, as he leaned back before taking a drink from his coffee mug.


“It sucks, but it happens. You can’t control it, and you just have to accept it. You are a hell of a lot younger than us three, so your life isn’t over yet.” Cragen smiled as he looked over to where Fin and Munch were sitting together, their eyes glued to the TV.

“I just hate how long I waited to really start my life.” Olivia frowned as she looked over at Rafael.

“I’m not.” He smiled.

“Rafael.” Olivia sighed.

“If you hadn’t waited so long, we wouldn’t be together. So I know that you are down, but know that waiting this long was a good idea. It meant that you found your soulmate and settled for him, instead of some asshole who would use you and then leave you.”

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