~ Chapter Nineteen ~

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Rafael was relieved to know that Amanda and Fin now knew that he and Olivia were an item, because then it meant he felt safe enough to take the next step in their relationship. He didn’t want to waste anymore time being Olivia’s boyfriend, because being her fiance and husband seemed way more interesting and perfect for him.

“So why are we being so secretive?” Stephanie asked as she gathered with her family in the kitchen. Olivia was at work, so Rafael had plenty of time to talk to Olivia’s family about his plans for the next night.

“I couldn’t tell Liv that you guys were coming here tonight because I didn’t want her to realize that I was planning something.” Rafael spoke, as he looked over at Olivia’s sister.

“I’m lost.” Stephanie sighed, as she sank down onto a bar stool as Debra and Serena laughed softly.

“Honey, Rafael is planning on proposing to Olivia tomorrow night. Tonight we are doing the final planning.” Serena spoke, and Stephanie’s eyes went wide as she looked at Rafael.

“Really?” She smiled, and Rafael nodded.

“Really. For some reason I love that crazy sister of yours, and I really want to make her my wife. So tomorrow, at the park where our elementary school used to be, I will get down on one knee and pull this ring out.” Rafael smiled, as he slid the box onto the counter.

Charles snatched it before his mothers could, and he opened it before nodding as he looked at the large circle cut diamond on a white gold band. Charles nodded as he looked it over.

“Rafael, you really outdid yourself, man. She is going to love this.” He smiled as his mother grabbed the ring box.

“Do you think so? I have tomorrow’s date engraved in it, and then I’ll engrave our wedding date in our wedding bands.” Rafael spoke.

“Oh, honey! You did great!” Serena exclaimed, before hugging the man that was going to marry her daughter. 

She couldn’t believe that Olivia was going to be getting married, because everything seemed kind of hopeless over the years. Olivia had always dated guys that were trash and treated her poorly. But now she was dating an amazing man that has loved her for more years than could be counted. That love has changed over the years and grew into something so beautiful.

“What other plans do you have? Like to set the scene?” Debra asked.

“Okay, so I talked to the non-profit that put the park up and I got permission to put lights up and have the photographer set up and waiting.” Rafael spoke, as he moved over to the closet and grabbed the bag of white string lights he had bought.

“Shouldn’t these be up already? Tomorrow is the big day.” Charles teased.

“That is what we are doing tonight, I’m hoping. We have about three hours before I’m supposed to head to the precinct to have dinner with Liv, so that is how much time we have.”

“We can get it done in that amount of time, Rafa. I promise.”


Rafael was freezing by the time all the lights had been strung throughout the park. The photographer met them there, and Rafael gave her ideas of where to set up. Then he gave Olivia’s family instructions of where they should be waiting with his family. Then, once the question was popped  they had time to kiss a few times, they could come out and surprise Olivia.

“Hey, babe.” Olivia smiled as Rafael opened the interview room door. Olivia had a ton of files spread out in front of her, and she looked ready for a break.

“Hey.” Rafael spoke. He kissed Olivia several times before passing her the bag as he took his jacket off.

“Your lips are freezing. Is the heat in your car out?” Olivia asked, and Rafael shook his head.

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