~ Chapter Thirty-Six ~

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"You're having triplets?" Lucia questioned, her eyes as big as saucers.

"Yes, " Olivia smiled.

"Oh my God, " Camellia squealed, smiling so hard she thought she might explode.

"You two are in for it, " Stephanie laughed. "Oh my, " she shook her head, "but I'm happy for you two nonetheless." 

"Thank you guys, " Rafael and Olivia smiled, hugging their family.


Almost two months had passed and Charles' case had been fully prepared by Alex Cabot and now it was time for court. Now that the investigation was complete, both Olivia and Rafael had decided to be present in court to support Alex, not for a second to support Charles'. Amanda and Fin were meeting Olivia and Rafael in court the morning of.

"Nervous?" Rafael questioned, holding Olivia's hand as they headed into the courthouse.

"Yeah, " Olivia said using a short tone with her husband.

"Okay, stupid question I know, but I want to know what you're feeling, " Rafael stopped and held his wife's shoulders, "I need to make sure the four of you are safe and sound."

Olivia shrugged off her husband's hands and glared, "I can take care of myself just fine."

"What is with you today? Where's all this attitude coming from?"

Olivia rolled her eyes and tried to walk away, but it was quickly clear to her, when Rafael grabbed her wrist, that she wasn't going to get away so easily. 

"I'm fine, let me go, " Olivia seethed before breaking her husband's grip.

Olivia walked down the hall to where her brother's court case was about to be put on trial. She wasn't mad at her husband and she knew she needed him to get through this, but lately, she felt like she was suffocating under his coddling. He was so protective over her and her body now that it felt like she couldn't breathe sometimes.

"Hey, " Amanda spoke softly as Olivia lowered herself onto the bench in the courtroom. 

"Hi, " Olivia sighed, running a hand over her belly before screwing her eyes shut.

"Where's Rafael? I figured he was coming with you?"

"He's behind me somewhere, " Olivia waved off the comment, "it's been a tense morning."

"Between you two or just in general?" Amanda pried, hoping to get more info out of her friend.

"Between us, " Olivia sighed, looking over at the blonde.

"What's going on, Liv?"

"He's just so up my butt since I've gotten pregnant and I understand he's excited and worried, but he's suffocating me. I feel like the only time he's not around is when we're at work and even then, when he is there, he's hovering. I need space to breathe sometimes, Mandy."

"I get it, I mean not the exact situation, but I empathize with you, " Amanda offered a smile that wasn't matched.

Olivia exhaled audibly to the room around her, "I just need time to myself. I love him to death, don't get me wrong but some days I just want to scream and tell him off."

"Why don't we do a girl's night or something, just us, maybe Mel will want to come and Kat, we can all just hang out at my Bachelorette pad and be women for a little while."

"That sounds like bliss, " Olivia smiled as Rafael sat down beside her.

Amanda leaned in close and whispered to Olivia, "Liv, apologize to him, he looks like a sad puppy, " she giggled.

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