~ Chapter Forty ~

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"Rafa, " Olivia called into the walk-in closet with shoes in her hand.

"Need help?" He chuckled, taking her shoes and pointing at the chair.

"Mr. Barba you're very lucky that I'm super pregnant right now and don't necessarily have the energy to hit you, " Olivia laughed lightly as she slipped her feet into her shoes.

"I'm sorry that you're being called into court, " Rafael sighed, helping his wife back onto her feet, "you're supposed to be on maternity leave and resting. . ."

"Honey, I'll be okay, " Olivia smiled lightly, "you're going to be with me all day, Amanda and Carisi are going to be there too, all is going to be a-okay."

"But, what if. . ."

Olivia placed a finger to her husband's lips, "don't speak that into existence. If it happens, we'll handle it when we get ready to cross that bridge."

"You'll tell me? Signal me? I don't want you up on that stand and not able to tell anyone."

"Rafa, breathe, " Olivia sighed, pulling the lint off of Rafael's suit jacket, "all is going to be okay, and these three are going to stay put until Mommy is done on the stand, isn't that right?"

Olivia ran her hands over her bump and felt three rather hard kicks against her hands. She let out a breathy chuckle before looking back at her husband.

"I have a three for three agreement, " Olivia laughed, "so relax and focus on getting this guy."

"I will, " Rafael nodded, "but I'm still going to worry about you, " he mumbled under his breath.


Olivia and Rafael rode up in the elevator together, the stairs at the courthouse being far too much for Olivia in this state. She could clearly remember the days when she could take the stairs two at a time to get where she needed to be, now she'd climb a few and have to stop for a proper breath of air.

"How are you feeling?" Rafael questioned, resting a hand on his wife's lower back.

"I'm good, baby, I'm a-okay, everything is fine, " Olivia smiled, placing a peck on his cheek.

Rafael took a deep breath, "okay, you're okay and I'm okay and they've agreed to stay put until you're done."

"Now focus on the case, baby, you've got to get us off of that big brain of yours."

Rafael nodded and kissed his wife's temple, "do you mind finding your way to the courtroom with Amanda and Sonny? I need a clear moment alone before we begin, " Rafael said as the elevator doors opened.

"Of course not, go and get settled, " Olivia smiled.

The couple separated and as Rafael headed for the courtroom, Olivia found Amanda and Sonny and made her way over to them at a very slow waddle.

"Hey, " Amanda beamed brightly, tugging Olivia into a hug before stepping back and placing her hands on her friend's bump.

"Hi, " Olivia sighed almost at her full exertion for the day.

"Tired?" Sonny questioned, hugging Olivia before helping her to the bench.

"That's an understatement, Sonny, " Olivia chuckled, "I'm purely exhausted and sore."

"Couldn't you have waived the maternity leave card, gotten out of this somehow?" Amanda questioned, concerned for her friend's health.

"I could have, " Olivia sighed, "but I was the arresting officer, my testimony is of value for both Rafael and the scumbag of a defense attorney, so I'm here."

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