~ Chapter Twenty ~

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"Rafa, " Olivia's voice cracked as the tears fell like waterfalls over her cheeks.

Olivia stood in front of her boyfriend shaking from the tears. She was breathless, and couldn't muster up the word, yes. She gulped the lump in her throat which only made her cry more.

Rafael grew worried, unsure if he'd taken things too fast for her, but he stayed positioned until she answered.

Olivia nodded her head eagerly, trying to wipe away all her tears from the shock. Rafael beamed like an idiot as he placed the ring on her shaky hand. Standing he took Olivia's shaking body into his arms and held her tight, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. 

"Livvie, " Rafa whispered, rubbing her back as the tears continued to fall.

Olivia sniffled and pulled back resting her forehead against Rafael's, "yeah, " she chirped in a squeaky voice full of emotion.

"I will love and protect you until I die. I have loved you since we met and nothing has ever doubted me that one day we'd be together. I have your back, I will love you, I will protect you, forever and always."

Olivia's face scrunched up once more as his words went straight to her heart. She sniffled and laid her head back on Rafael's shoulder. He held her close as their families came out from their hiding spots and their photographer continued to capture the moment.

"I think there are some people here who want to see that ring on you, " Rafael whispered.

Olivia picked up her head and turned around to find Rafael's mom and sister, and her parents and siblings. Rafael tightly wrapped an arm around her waist as Olivia stuck out her hand for everyone to see the ring. Hugs were passed out to the newly engaged couple before everyone bidded farewell for the night to get out of the cold.

Rafael and Olivia returned home to the penthouse and got into their pajamas. They snuggled up together on the couch as Olivia looked over the ring.

"Do you like it?" Rafael questioned, glancing at his handy work.

"I love it, baby!" Olivia squealed, "it's perfect. The diamond is beautiful and the band is so shiny. Who helped you?"

"Not a soul, " Rafael smiled. 

"You did this all by yourself?"

"Sure did, " Rafael nodded, "my Mom and Abuela saw it last week and your family saw it last night."

"Rafa, it's gorgeous, and you did an amazing job picking it out."

"I thought so, " Rafael smiled, kissing Olivia's neck causing her to release the sweetest giggle.

They stayed there a moment snuggled together as Oliva continued to admire her ring, Rafael continued to pepper kisses all over her neck.

"You should look at the inside of the band, " Rafael whispered before sinking his teeth gently into Olivia's shoulder.

"I don't wanna take it off, " Olivia shuddered as chills ran over her skin.

"Mí amor, just take the ring off for a minute, " Rafael said, gently pulling it off her hand.

He turned the ring just right so Olivia could see the engraving. She glanced before slipping her finger back into the hole.

"Thank you, " Olivia said, her words filled with love as she snuggled closer to Rafael.

"You're welcome mí amor."


Olivia woke up the next morning and stretched out in the cozy soft blankets of her and Rafael's bed. She didn't remember ever coming upstairs last night, but she was thankful that she felt well-rested. Rolling over to face Rafael she found his side of the bed empty.

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