~ Chapter Thirty-One ~

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Now that they knew what was happening, Olivia and Rafael were ready to share it with his family. Olivia also planned on telling Stephanie, but that would happen at a later date and when her moms weren’t around.

“Hey, sweethearts!” Lucia exclaimed as she opened the door and looked at her son and Olivia.

“Hi, Ma.” Rafael spoke. He was dragged into the apartment and hugged tightly before he was shoved to the side so Lucia could hug Olivia.

“How are you two? Did your appointment go well? Any news about-” Lucia stopped when her son started to laugh softly.

“Ma, why don’t you take a breather. Liv and I are more than willing to explain everything once Camellia and Giovanni show up. We don’t want to tell this all more than once.” Rafael spoke.

“I just want to know when I’ll be getting a grandbaby! I don’t know when your sister will get pregnant, so you two are my only hope right now.”

After an hour of waiting, Rafael’s sister finally showed up. They settled down for dinner, and started to eat before Rafael explained what happened at their last appointment with Dr. Morrison and what had been decided. 

“So you are just going to be taking a pill?” Camellia asked, as she looked over at Olivia.

“Yeah, pretty much. There are side effects, but we all agreed that they would be worth it to get a baby.”

“Is death a side effect?” Lucia breathed as she looked at her beloved daughter-in-law.

“No! Nothing that bad! But like dizziness, headaches, tender personal areas.” Olivia spoke.

“Are you doing okay? This has gotta be a lot of information to absorb.” Lucia frowned.

“It is, and I feel very overwhelmed and almost lost… but I’m going to deal with it. This all will be worth it in the end. Rafael and I will be able to be parents in the next few years. Just as long as this all works.”

“Let’s pray. Pray that you and Rafa get the baby you have dreamed of. That you don’t experience the side effects that were listed, and that it doesn’t take too long to conceive. I want you two to be happy, and I will pray for days if that means you two can get what you long for.” Lucia smiled before reaching out and taking her son’s hand.


Olivia hadn’t felt so overwhelmed and lost in a while, so she knew that she had to talk to Dr. Lindstrom about it. She had to get ahead of this all, before she fell so far that taking her life was the only way out.

“It is nice to see you again, Olivia. But I was hoping you wouldn’t need to see me again.” Dr. Lindstrom spoke as he welcomed Olivia into his office.

“I didn’t want to come back, but I had to do something before I hit rock bottom.” Olivia admitted. She moved and sat in her usual chair as Dr. Lindstrom flipped through her file. He found the last page he had written on before looking up and at Olivia.

“So, the last time you were here we talked about Rafael, mostly.”

“Yes. Rafael is now my husband and we are actively trying for a baby.” Olivia spoke without even cracking a smile. She was happy about being married to Rafael, but she couldn’t even bring herself to smile about trying over and over again to have a baby. It stressed her out more than it made her happy.

“Congrats on both! You are going to be an amazing mother, Olivia. I just know it.” Dr. Lindstrom spoke, but he wasn’t sure he should be excited since Olivia wasn’t.

“I can’t get pregnant. We have tried since June and nothing… but now we are going to be doing pills in hopes of me getting pregnant. I don’t know if it ever will though.... It’s scary because all I want is a baby, and I think I might drive myself crazy by trying and waiting.”

“It takes time, Olivia.”

“My brother is having a baby with his… girlfriend? I don’t know what Sasha is. But they weren’t even trying and now they are having a baby. I have been screwing my husband as often as possible, and I am still barren.” Olivia grumbled. Just thinking about Charlie and Sasha pissed her off. She wanted the baby that they had, but life would never be that easy for her. 

“And you are angry about that?”

“I’m angry that they didn’t want a baby, but are getting one. It’s bullshit.” Olivia huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Olivia, you should talk to Charles about this.”

“He hurt me the last time we talked. He bruised my bone, and actually you can still see the faint outline of the bruise you could see on my skin.” Olivia spoke, as she pushed her sleeve up and showed the bruise off.

“Has he ever been violent before?”

“No, not at all. But things have changed. He’s a jerk now, and my moms have taken his side. I only talk to Stephanie and Matilda now.”


Dr. Lindstrom helped Olivia dive more into the sudden problems that had developed in her family. Once her session was over, Olivia was sent out on an assignment to talk to her moms. To see if they could help ease the tension between her and Charlie. Olivia needed her moms right now, especially since she was so lost and broken.

“Olivia?” Serena asked, as tears welled in her eyes.. She was shocked to see her eldest standing there in front of her.

“Hi, Mama. Are you free to talk?” Olivia asked nervously.

“Of course! Come on in! I have your Christmas gifts if you-”

“I’m not here for the gifts, Mama. I’m here to talk about Charlie.” Olivia spoke.

“I’m not taking sides-”

“You have literally picked his side, though. You haven’t called me at all.”

“He’s expecting a baby, Liv. He and Sasha-”

“You know what… fuck this. I’m not even trying. Thanks a lot for picking favorites and fucking me over.”

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