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I took a minute. I couldn't believe this was happening. The thought of reliving those months again... in front of all those people scarred the living shit out of me but it needs to be done, for my family.

Family. Is it not the most beautiful word? I leaned against the nursery door frame and watched Tyler and Tyson playing with Tyrone and Tyra as they giggled away on their Matt.

''Peek-a-boo... Peek-a-boo... you both are the prettiest twins ever. Yes, you are.'' God, that baby voice. It's all I've heard for the last four months.

''They are so small. Hard to believe they have more bones than us and still have all their essential organs,'' Tyson gently shook their rattle.

''I know. I still can't believe how much you have grown. Soon you'll be taller than your old man.''

''And your old woman.'' They both turned around as I walked in. ''How are my babies doing?''

''I think Tyra might be hungry, mommy.'' I quickly went to the small fridge where I stored the milk I pumped earlier. Tyson gently handed me the girl.

''Hello, there princess. You are just of a bundle of rainbows, aren't you?''

I could Tyler just staring at me with the most starstruck eyes. ''Is there something on my face?''

''I love you... so much.''

''Okaaaay I love you too.'' Tyson just smiled at the scene as he played with his little brother.

He hardly looked away from me, ''I'm not just saying it. I knew from the moment I saw you, that you would be my queen. Then you gave me a perfect son as my firstborn and agreed to spend the rest of your life with me. You gave me two more perfect children. You make every day worth living and have given me so much. I can't even begin to say how much I love you."

I smiled harder than I have ever before, "you act as if I sacrificed anything. You make me smile. You make me laugh. You make me feel loved. I wouldn't have my three perfect kids without you. You are my king. So yeah when you say you don't how to express your love I know exactly what you mean."

His smile grew more expansive than mine and his eyes shone brighter than any star in your universe. He stood and kissed me, being extremely careful not to squish Tyra. At this very moment, I understood it all: the sonnets and poems, songs and movies. Everything I thought was cliche before suddenly made sense.

"Mommy, daddy!" Tyson groaned as he looked away.

''Aw Tyson, are you jealous?'' He shook his head vigorously, ''no you are. Don't worry daddy has plenty of kisses to go around.'' Tyler attacked Tyson with tickles and kisses. Tyson's giggles caused his siblings to giggle too, resulting in 5 giggles bouncing off the walls.

Tyler stopped when Tyson started getting breathless and Tyrone got restless. As soon as Tyler picked him up, he calmed down, ''aw, it looks my littlest prince just wanted to be part of the fun.''

He tickled his stomach and looked up smiling at me.


30 years later

30 years later

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