Chapter 1(9 years ago)

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"Okay, ma'am, here's your caramel Frappuccino

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"Okay, ma'am, here's your caramel Frappuccino." Most people wouldn't see my job as much. I mean no one dreams of becoming a barista but without it, I wouldn't have met one of my best friends, Emerald Gelding. She is really beautiful. She has long thick black hair, that matched perfectly with her dark eyes and her slightly tan skin. She wasn't the tallest of women, which meant she often wore heels. Some would describe her as quirky and high energy but she brightened up everyone's day.

"Good morning Natasha. How is it going?" There he is, Paul Grant. He was a well-groomed man with rather tan skin for a french guy. He had nice had full of brown hair, paired with sparkling brown eyes. He was always dressed smartly which I learned was because he was the CEO of Grant Enterprise. He was well built, not too tall and from what I  gathered he was middle-aged in his late 40s to early 50s. 

"Hello, Mr Grant. Everything is well. Off to work?" I asked as I started his daily order. 

"Yes. Without this Coffee, lord knows how I would get through this day."

"I'm sorry to hear that, didn't you say that your son was getting more involved in the business. Can't he help you?"

"Yeah. How did you remember that? I didn't think you were listening." He gave this dashing questioning smile. 

I shrugged, "I have a relatively good memory and I listen to everything customers say, especially when it is you, Mr Grant." I handed him his coffee and, after saying thanks, he left.   

As if on schedule, my best friends walked in, "Hey girl." You have Ruby Peckson. Ruby, like Emerald, was extremely beautiful. Yes, I'm aware my two girlfriends are both named after jewels, let's not dwell on it. Ruby had flawless chocolate skin that enhanced her grass green eye. She was kind of tall -but shorter than me- standing at 5ft 8 inches. She is what you would call a boss aśs bítch. Then there was tom, T-dog if you will. WOW. If he wasn't gay, one of us would have jumped his bones already and even then... That's how hot he is. He had light brown hair with ice blue eyes and the perfect chiselled jawline. No wonder why he is a model. It would be a sin to hide that from the world. Without Tom our lives wouldn't be the same, he's the advice-giver but he's also crazy sassy.

"I'll have a red apple rooibos tea latte. Em wants a rooibos tea latte and tom a..."

Tom rolled his eyes, "chai tea latte." After I made their drinks, I went to the back and changed from my work clothes into the outfit I wore here. I wore these shadow grey skinny ripped jeans and an iron shade vest. Over it was a red checkered shirt. I love that shirt and especially paired with my black laced boots.

"Let's go. We don't want to be late for the game.''


I never was one for sports but I couldn't deny the excitement of this game. Matt was Em's older brother. Recently we've been hanging out and I've never met a man so unaware of his attributes. He was extremely humorous, like T-dog he was wise and he too was gay. In fact, they both liked each other and were perfectly suited but couldn't admit their feelings.

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