Chapter 64

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Irene Pov

My eyes trailed over the window down to the street below me. "How ignorant the normal human is is just beyond me." I murmured before taking a sip of the coffee I had in my hand and savored the bitter taste of it, I had just a drop of liquor in it for some added flavor. They pity me in their believe they could change anything without struggle. I rolled my eyes knowing how futile it is to do it. 

I heaved a small sigh and turned back around on my seat to my large Mahagony desk overlooking my papers and took one in my hands reading it. "Juliet!" I yelled getting her attention and the girl almost fell from her seat. "Yes Irene-sama." She exclaimed and walked over to me. "This paper is wrong I told you to use the other file to work on it." I said and she bowed in apology. 

"I'm truly sorry Irene-sama, I failed you." She quickly exclaimed and I let out a small chuckle while rolling my eyes. "Its not a big deal Juliet really, I'm learning you this so you can work on your own one day." I replied and stood up walking to her.

She gazed up to me slightly scared thinking that I will do something to her. "Juliet you don't have to worry about anything, I know that Heine and you had a rough past, you are safe here since I saved you in one of my outside jobs." I whispered and laid my hand on her shoulder. The two girls were found in a brothel in the back rooms on some beds. I knew the instant I saw them that they were taken advantage of more then a few times, their eyes gave it away their dull expression and empty look was the same as Erza's, two underaged victims of carnal abuse. From what we found I could really only get more angry, not only they had been assaulted several times but also recorded the crime and posted it in the net, we immediately had secured all the evidence and the owners of the brothel had been sentenced to prison time for several years the videos had been taken down as well as we could and tried to help the two girls with it but that was only what we could do to help their pain. The real pain is in the memory of the two a permanent scar in their mind causing them to be extremely scared of others, especially men.

"I'll never abandon you Juliet and Heine, I'll make sure you will grow up to be strong and not fear men just like my dear beloved daughter Erza who had the same tragedy happen, like you." I added and she slowly smiled at me. "So that's the name of the girl in the photo on your desk." Heine said as she walked up to me from a nearby desk she sat at. I smiled at her and then grabbed the picture frame that was behind me. I leaned against my desk and gazed at it. "She's 5 years old in this image it was her birthday but it isn't the only one I have here." I replied and then opened the frame to reveal other images of her even one as a baby and one as a 16 year old maturing girl. 

"She looks like the spitting image of yours Irene-sama." "Heine gleamed as she saw her teenage image. "If you believe it or not I looked just like her when I was younger." I quickly replied smiling before it went into a sad frown. Whenever I look at Erza all that I had done in the past all that I had achieved comes to my mind, all the hardships and pain all the happy moments in my life. It makes me smile to see what she has become a strong and mature girl that isn't scared to show a man when he goes too far. "Are you alright Irene-sama you are crying." Juliet asked and I wiped the tears away from my cheeks while nodding. "Yes I am, I just remembered my past and these are tears of happiness." I replied taking a breath. I noticed the drops on the glass of the picture frame and slowly started to wipe them away. "How much I would have loved to have another chance at being a mother." I whispered and clutched the frame to my chest. My eyes met theirs and I smiled at them happily. "Its moments like these that you have to treasure forever in your heart no mater what, never forget your friends or family." I added and the two nodded.

I walked to the window and crossed my arms looking out of it. "Girls let me tell you one thing that life has taught me." I said pointing up with one finger and the two looked at me in wonder. "Don't ever make the same mistake as these women down there who are protesting for women's rights when we as women already have all the rights men do if not even more then them, the laws are completely fucked over and are always in favor of women, do you know what that brought us, this stupid bigotry of feminists still thinking they have less then men." I said loudly and the two shook their heads with wide open eyes. "Its the birthrate of our society that has declined so much that it caused severe problems in the working industry and men stopped to put up with these women who accused them of everything they could just to get what they want. And every single one of these women now yells around about where all the men have gone." I said and then took a breath. "You don't know how many hitman jobs we got since this all started, these women down there are the definition of insanity and narcissism they once thought they can play around in the bed for years and when they noticed no one wanted them they became desperate." I laughed into my hand and took a glass of whiskey into my hand. "Everyone warned them yet none wanted to listen that they will stay alone with no one." I added laughing at their misfortune. "And what is this supposed to make us learn?" Juliet asked in wonder. I lowered my glass to look at her. "Its simple, find a good guy who takes care of you at a young age and become his housewife make sure he's happy because if he's happy he's going to put up more work to make you happy by providing what you need. Only thing you need to do is to take care of the home and cook for him and if you both agree on it even children. That's an easy life for a woman who wants an easy life not what these down there did jumping from one guy to the other and expecting to always be wanted. They were thinking they are smart but in the end they lose everything, I'm the one who laughs in the end even tough I lost my husband but thanks to his money that I got from him signing a paper that in case of his death I get all his belongings. I was able to buy myself a good home and had enough to care for Erza, but I knew it wasn't going to last so I took my degree and got to the ISF ranking up quickly and successfully, you would think a young women at 24 wouldn't work something like this but I perfectly knew what I had to do and my place. At the age of 35 I was one of the seven top agents. And you know what makes me a true modern women, I still kept my value as a marriable person by never doing this but to keep my focus on work and a year prior Silver got the position as boss, the two of us always had a good relation and we got close as friends never had sex but times change and well it happened." I shrugged and the two looked at me shocked. 

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