Chapter 73

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Erza Pov

I was woken up by a sudden blast of music coming from downstairs and opened my eyes cursing in silence. I gazed over to Jellal and then it hit me, today is the 25th December. I moved over him and kissed his forehead making him wake up smiling at me. "Morning Erza." He tiredly said and I smiled. "Morning my prince." I winked at him.

I sat up slowly and gazed down to my belly, its already troubling me to just sit up only because I feel weak and I don't know what other tasks will feel harder.

I got on my feet and Y/n offered me his hand to take which I did and slowly pulled over my shirt that I grabbed from the clothing rack. I could smell something suddenly and it smelled like pancakes.

"Can you smell this too?" I asked him and he raised an eyebrow at me in confusion. "I don't know what you mean." He shook his head slowly picking a shirt from the wardrobe.

I let out a small huff in frustration. "I can smell pancakes but I've never smelled something upstairs before." I murmured and gazed over to the door. I put over my sweatpants and Jellal opened the door with me following him downstairs.

I could hear Christmas music now clearly. I groaned in embarrassment when I heard this catchy song that my mother used to listen to when I was little. I could see her standing in the kitchen at the hob while humming to the song.

I couldn't help but smile at my mother who found happiness in her hard life, feminists at the begin praised her for being a young single mother who's working against the oppression but they quickly started to attack her when my mother told them that the very being of feminism is against a woman's nature and biology. Everything about feminists claiming they are equal to men and that they can sleep around is a lie, women think and act different then men, our brains work differently, Y/n is going to work because he has to not because he wants to, I don't need to work I can chose it, but feminism wants to attack every woman who says she wants to be a stay at home mother, even tough feminism preaches for free choices for women that they can chose what they want, but again its more like you can chose what you want unless I don't like it and its exactly those women who are not playing the feminists game that scare them, because they know those women are dangerous to their ideology as they see the truth. My mother told me feminism is socialism in disguise and it will ruin our society.

Religion is the best that both can have as it preaches for the value of both, religion was created out of the mistakes of humanity to have a better life for all, feminism is the opposite, it is destructive to society and to our very nature, it concentrates solely on the benefit of women to the damage of men. Almost all the laws passed by feminism have in some way taken away consequences that affected women. It is sickening to think that a movement does something like this, the Fiore government had outlawed DNA tests to protect the families but indirectly it wanted to hide infidelity and cheating from wives while at the same time wanting to criminalize cheating done by men. But thankfully the right party won and my mother was able to get the harmful ones out of politics, those insane leftists ruined us. And the new government reinstated the rule again to protect the rights of men and punish women who betray their husbands trust. Marriages are at an all time low because women get rewarded for breaking it.

Depression and anger is the result of feminism's wrong choices, some were good but a lot were bad and those that were bad all came with the last two movements, an insanity like non other.

I sighed as I sat down at the table resting my head on my hand. "Morning Erza did you sleep well?" My mother asked smiling happily at me while she placed down three stacked pancakes in front of me and Y/n who was still slightly drowsy muttering a thank you to her.

"I did and you seem very energetic for being pregnant." I replied and she laughed softly. "Unlike you Erza I know what I have to do in order to not feel the exhaustion." She stated walking back to the kitchen to finish. "Mom, when I woke up I could smell you making pancakes but how?" I asked and she stifled a laugh. "Your senses are sharper when you have a baby, our senses are certain way different from men and we women react to the sound of babies much more sensitive then men as we wake up when the baby cries for our attention." She explained calmly.

Arranged marriage Fairy Tail Erza X Male reader (Jerza)Where stories live. Discover now