Chapter 66

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Erza Pov

One week had passed from when I found the papers about the Deathbell Riders. I wanted to confront Jellal about them but he disappeared out of the blue. My mother had to bring me back to my friends since I got with Jellal there. When I asked my mother about why he was gone she just said he's coming back in about a week from Crocus and he's on a small leave from school until then.

I tried to call him but he didn't pick up once. I started to worry for him since he's probably doing some strange stuff that is not to my liking.

I was currently sitting in the living room drinking coffee. I felt sick the last two days and I don't know why. I threw up this morning after eating my strawberry cake. I just hope that I wont get sick more. I let out a small huff and then looked at the temperature from the thermometer. "36.7 its normal." I muttered and placed it back into the box.

I leaned back on the sofa again when a sudden door slamming caused me to frown. "Just leave me alone for now Natsu, its nothing!" Lucy yelled from upstairs and stomped down from the stairs and into the kitchen. She opened the freezer grabbing her ice cream that she bought a day before. "Morning Erza." She said walking past me and flopped down on the couch next to me and switched on the TV. I gave her a small sympathetic look. "I'm guessing you're in that time?" I asked and she let out an annoyed huff.

"Yes, its annoying and it hurts!" She snapped her face to me and grabbed the pillow of the couch throwing it before sitting back up. "Shouldn't you have it too right now?" She stated pointing at me.

"Maybe its just taking late, I don't know." I shrugged. "Its not like I'm missing it." I added smiling at her happily and she let out a small huff. "Lucky you, I hate being on it." She whined before scooping the ice cream into her mouth with a spoon. "Who wouldn't." I scoffed and she glared at me.

She put the spoon in the ice cream tub and placed it on the wooden coffee table in front of me. "Tell me Erza, didn't you have morning sickness or feel a bit nauseous?" She asked placing a finger on her chin while grinning at me smugly.

I thought for a second. I did have those symptoms but I know that its quite common to feel this way, before nodding. "I did but its gone now, I have nothing to worry." I replied and she smirked. "Oh are you sure it doesn't have to do with something that starts with a P." She replied raising an eyebrow teasingly.

I blinked a few times before a blush started to cross my cheeks and turn my face into a strawberry color while I freaked out. "I-I'm not pregnant, if you are stating that. I took the pill." I shot back and she leaned back on the couch with a grin on her face.

Her gaze went to the stairs and I noticed Mira walk down. "Hey Mirajane guess what, we will have Jerza babies." Lucy stated eagerly looking over to me happily.

Mira stood frozen on the spot before a happy squeal came from her. She jumped up and down three times and then literally threw herself at me hugging me tightly. "Oh my good Erza, I'm so happy for you! I always wanted to see Jerza babies, you'll be an amazing mother." She exclaimed and I pushed her off me. "I-I'm not gonna have a child, I'm just feeling a little off this morning. Its not the first time." I replied and crossed my arms defensively while huffing in annoyance.

She shook her head. "But all of this is pointing out on a pregnancy Erza. You should check it with a test." Mira stated smiling at me happy. I let out a small sigh and stood up. "I took the pill I will even show you." I replied and headed upstairs quickly grabbing the box that was in my drawer.

I went back quickly down the steps and hopped in front of Mira. "Here these are the contraceptives that I've used." I said and she grabbed the box shaking it a little and reading the name. Her eyes widened and looked over to me in slight shock. "Uh Erza, these are pills for better chances at it, you literally took some for a higher chance, I know it since they have the same name as the real ones so you got confused and well you didn't use protection. More like you got a bigger chance at getting pregnant," She shrugged placing the box into my hand.

Arranged marriage Fairy Tail Erza X Male reader (Jerza)Where stories live. Discover now