Chapter 65

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Erza Pov

I looked at the back of my mother after she told Jellal to follow her out to talk to him in private. I knew full well that she had something in her mind, that look in her eyes usually meant nothing good. I wanted to find out more. I had a feeling my mother knew more than she admitted about Josè and everything else, I even know that she must be hiding something that has to to with Y/n. 

I knew my mother liked to play with people and she enjoyed others suffering quite a bit, her biggest hit yet was making all the men realize how self centered and arrogant a lot of women are nowadays and not even care about men, my mother destroyed all those feminist movements that claim to be for women with her wits as she quickly noticed what their real goal is, destroying society and its people. Women already got all the possibility that men have and she even wrote books about how a women's true power isn't her feminist mind but her femininity her body and how to use it. 

Of course feminists lost their mind over it and started to attack her but my mother had quickly silenced them by simply using their own card against them. All her knowledge was given to all the schools and men and women out there exposing the feminist movement as a simple man hating narcistic fanatic movement that isn't empowering women but taking away their true power. The power of freedom and wanting to live calmly. 

She had made law reformations that benefited marriage and staying loyal to the person and she made sure that in case of divorce it stayed on the men's side what he bought before. My mother laughed her ass off when she saw all the feminists get jailed after making the word misandry illegal when it got passed as a hate crime. And thanks to my mothers work Fiores society is slowly getting better, dating started to happen more and birthrates are not going down anymore as fast, they are stagnating. But there are still feminists out there, thankfully women started to not believe their lies and expose them openly. Its a long way until we finally are free from all those narcistic women. Feminism had lost its meaning after the second time and the last wave was about fat acceptance. Which is nothing to praise. Its not a choice to not be fit its a lack of exercise and lack of self control and people who have a medical condition are treated badly for it. 

My mother had done more for women in her life then feminists did, she called herself a true powerful women and after that she said she was for men's rights. Feminists had tried to claim the same success in the last 20 years as she did but they failed. My mother wanted to stop the lies of women who couldn't get a man because their behavior was bad but unfortunately a lot of over weight women also joined them making all think that feminism is about accepting how a women is rather then what they should be and with that the problem had started. When a movement gets personal its not about other women its about you in that group what you want, feminists had forced non feminist women to hide in fear of getting attacked verbally by them. Its almost as if, if you are not with us you are against women's rights. Much like a dictator telling what you have to believe.

She learned me to be a women and have self respect to me dressing modestly and have hobbies she told me to search for the value in a man's heart and not be a 304 which only likes to party and have dudes around her. I do like parties but only with my good friends around and not in normal clubs and the only guy I will ever let to me is Jellal, I'm not someone like Briar who's had more guys then a school bus could fit. And more importantly she said I cannot have it all, it's either going to be career or family and she was able to do this because she got a high paying job that made her into an assassin, killing targets a few times a year and the rest of it, was information gathering but she always regretted not being able to be around me all the time, I had times where she was months away but agents of the ISF always looked after me during it.

My gaze shifted to Heine and Juliet and they both sat there quietly looking at me. "What can we do for you Erza-san." Juliet asked.

 "You don't need to do anything for me just tell me what my mother has been up to, I know she's always having a plan on something and loves her mind games." I stated and crossed my arms in front of them. 

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