Everlasting Heat

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Zara name is pronounced like Zaa•ruh
Malakai will be also called Kai. For all of my vampire diary fans you know how Kai is pronounced from Kai Parker. For the others it is K•eye. His full name is pronounced like the name Malachi just spelled different.

Sweat started to form all around my body as the pain consumed me. It was 9pm and this had to be the worst wave of heat I've ever experienced! My body ached as the flames traveled from my core, spreading to the rest of my body. I hate heat, every type of heat, but mainly this one.

Heat, in my pack, is a bitch!

The second you turn 16 your heat starts. Then for the rest of your life you get a heat cycle once a month, as if having a period isn't bad enough. The heat happens right after your period, leaving you 2 weeks of peace as a woman if you find your mate in your 16 years of life!

If you did not find your mate at 16, when you turn 17 it will be every 2 weeks! Your period is still once a month, thankfully, but the heat cycle directly after your period is the strongest! Leaving you ONE week of peace...unless of course you don't find your mate by the time you turn 17.

If you are unlucky enough to not have found your mate by the time you are 18, then yes it will be EVERY week! Leaving you NO peace!!

Basically the longer you go without  finding your mate, the more heat you will go through. If you're 20+ then it could be EVERY hour!

Once you find your mate it goes back down to once a month, thankfully.

Lucky, or lucky for me, I'm 17...meaning I've gotta deal with this every 2 weeks. This one in particular is the worst one yet!

I grabbed the water on the side of my bed and tried to fix my dry throat. It felt like I was eating sandpaper. My body felt like literal hell! I desperately pulled off my clothes and climbed into my bed. 

I pulled my vibrator from under my pillow and turned it on at the highest speed. I gulped down the last of my water and placed the rose shaped object on my clít.

I sucked in a breath as my body cooled a little. The sensation felt like magic on my body. I arched my back and used my free hand to massage my B-cups. 

Tears started to fall down my cheeks as I fought this pain. Normally a few minutes of this and I would've had my release. It seemed to only piss me off!

I threw the toy across my room with a grunt, why is this so hard?

My wolf was howling in my head, blocking out all of my thoughts. My ears began to ring as my body started to heat up again. 

What did I do to deserve this? I did my homework, hell I gave a homeless person $15 today. I was even nice to my brother!!

I let out an ear piercing scream as my core burned, so ear piercing it got my mother's attention.

My mother, Zuri, ran in my room, quickly scooping me up in her arms. Her hands only felt like hot metal and I pushed her away. This can not be real!

"My sweet girl, it's going to be okay. It shouldn't be much longer." She said, as tears filled her own eyes.

"Nooo! This hurts so bad, why does it hurt so bad? I asked, gripping my chest. I forgot I was naked. Heat has never felt like this, maybe it's because I'm halfway to 18? 

"I could call your brother, maybe it's something going on?" She questioned.

My brother is the Alpha of this pack, which means I get to skip lines and get all the best foods. Everyone treats me like royalty because as the only sibling of the alpha, he's very protective of me.

"What could possibly be going on to make my body feel like this?"I asked, crying my eyes out. The heat always makes me cry, but as soon as I còme it calms down enough so I can sleep.

She quickly called Zion and placed it on speaker.

"Yes mother, I'm busy" he said, oh wonderful, as charming as ever.

"Zara is having a really bad heat, do you possibly know why?" She asked. I quickly realized how embarrassing this was to ask him.

"Why would I possibly know why her heat is bad?" He asked. "I don't know anything about the she-wolves' heat. That's not something I control"

I let out a sharp cry as another wave of pain hit. Why can't I just sleep?!

"Well she's in so much pain, can you tell her school she's not coming tomorrow" my mother said, rubbing my head. I know she thinks she's helping, but she's making it hurt worse!

"Sure, Kylie said she hopes you feel better. I love you both but I gotta go, last thing I wanna talk about in the bed with my mate is how bad my sister needs sex." He said, hanging up.

This can't possibly get worse! Had I known I wasn't going to school I wouldn't have done my homework!

"I'm sorry hun. I know when I'm like this, and your father is not around, I just wanna be alone. I'm probably making it 10 times worse. Let me know if you need me" she said, standing up. "You know, we have neighbors. I'm sure one of them wouldn't mind helping you"

I shot her a pissed off look and she nodded, realizing she's not helping. She basically ran out of my room.

I hugged my knees to my chest and tried to focus on my breathing. It should pass soon, it has too. I couldn't move, I couldn't get up, I couldn't do anything but cry.

Moments later I heard my bedroom window open. I looked over in shock as a male-wolf made his way in my room.

"Your smell is killing me, girl" he growled.

Normally I would be scared, pissed, or even confused. At this moment I just felt pain. I always knew heat gave off a smell that let every male close enough know we were going through this. I heard that it drove them crazy as well.

"Get out!" I cried, even though my wolf was begging to be touched.

"It's driving me mad," he said, licking his lips. I've never seen this wolf before, mostly because I don't pay attention to anyone in this pack. I tend to be a loner, I don't get into drama that way.

He looked like he was my age or younger. Curly blond hair, face full of freckles and eyes full of lust. This is not how I wanted to spend my night!

"MOTHER!!" I found the strength to yell. Within seconds she was in my room.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked, as the male stared at me down.

"I..I'm so sorry. It's just her smell is so strong! My name is James I just moved-"

"Alpha Zion will get here in 2 seconds to kick your ass for being in his sister's room. I suggest you get out" she said, pointing to the window.

He quickly ran out of my room, fear all over his face.

My mother looked over at me then back at the window.

"You need to find your mate girl!" She said, shaking her head.

She locked my window, as well as every window and door in the house.

The whole night I spent crying, crying over a heat that never wanted to end.

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