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"I mean he didn't have to act like that" I said, pacing back and forth in my room. I was on the phone with my only cousin, Zoey. Yes this family has a thing with the letter Z!

My mother is the only child, giving me no uncles, aunts, or cousins on her side. My father thankfully has one brother, giving me an uncle and one cousin.

They honestly thought they were just going to have one child, but thanks to a drunk night mixed with heat here I am!

Zoey is the big sister I've never had. We've had so many sleepovers and play dates when we were younger. She's my best friend!

"The one night I'm not at your house all of this happened?" She asked, in shock. " And who was the girl with the purple hair?"

" I have no idea but she can fight! You know how good Kylie is at combat and she made her look like a child!" I said, taking a seat on my bed.

Why couldn't I find my mate the normal way? Without my whole family fighting. I've always imagined that we would meet in the woods and he would claim me right on the grass.

Me looking in his eyes as he took me, soft and gentle. Making sure to tell me how good I looked. Maybe he was into spanking?

"I'm coming over! Like yesterday" she said, snapping me back to reality.

"Good! I would rather finish the story in person. How close are you?" I asked. When she says she's coming over, that means she's already in the car.

"About 4 minutes, get some snacks ready," she said, laughing.

I hung up and smiled to myself. Although that wasn't the best situation to meet him in, he was amazing.

The way he protected me and held me.

The way he growled possessively.

The way he looked in my eyes to make sure this is what I wanted.

I've heard about him, the youngest Alpha. I heard his parents had him when they were so old and that's the reason they gave him the pack at that age. Normally, passed down or earned, the alpha can't be younger than 21.

Seeing as his father is already 62, witch made him the oldest alpha, I can see why he gave the pack over. Most alphas retire at 45-50.

From what I've been told he's been working really hard to get ready for his role. Some packs don't respect him because of his age, but the ones that have met him have given their approval.

Snapping back to reality, I reached under my bed grabbing her favorite snack. This is where I hide the good stuff.

I grabbed a variety of hot chips and forced the bag open. It feels so good to not be in pain! I almost forgot what my skin felt like.

After the bag was open I turned on vampire diaries, our new favorite show. It's so funny how humans made us.

The first transformation felt like cracking your knuckles, it does not hurt THAT bad. Your wolf is not some curse either. It's a part of your soul. They also forgot about mates!

I laughed to myself, they made them look so weak compared to reality.

I took this time to put on my favorite duck onesie. Hopefully she wears her frog one so we can take pictures. I placed my long hair in a bun and smiled at my reflection. I looked so childish and I loved it!

I wonder if my mate will dress up with me?

I heard a knock on the door and I jumped up. I'm so excited to have a girls night.

I walked out my room, stopping at my parents door. I knocked a few times before cracking it open a little just in case.

"Zoey is here!" I yelled, shutting the door back. I didn't want to possibly see something that would mess up my stomach, I just needed them to know that she was coming over. Not that they would care.

"Coming!!" I yelled, running to the door. I swung it open and smiled, realizing we were thinking alike.

Zoey blond hair was also in a bun and she had on her frog onesie!

She looked like my opposite. Her hair was light, mine was dark. Her skin was tanned, mine was pale. I was short, she was pretty tall. She favorited darker colors, I favorited lighter ones. My eyes are blue, her eyes are green.

She pulled me in for a hug with one hand, holding a 7up cake in the other.

"Is that for me?" I asked, taking it from her.

"Yes, after all of the heat you went through you need it" she said, following me to my room.

Words couldn't express how much I loved her!

When we got to my room I pressed play on Netflix where we both left off. She grabbed the chips and sat crisscross applesauce on my bed.

"Now talk" she said, passing me a bag.

I explained everything to her in full detail. Even talking to her about a man coming in her window. Zoey emotions ranged from upset, happy, and what the hell as I told her about my past few days.

"So where is he now?" She asked, fully invested in my story.

"Probably with my brother" I said, looking at the time. It was 8:44 already. I've really been talking for 3 hours!

"Let's hope he didn't kill him." She said, finishing up her last piece of of cake. Yes we did eat that whole cake alone! We both love food, especially 7-Up cake.

"He won't. The only reason he was upset is because he didn't believe he was my mate" I said, laying on my back I felt stuffed.

"I can't wait to find mine! As much pain you were in I'm shocked you didn't bone him" she laughed.

"I would've that man his finee"I bragged, thinking about my mate.

"No you wouldn't! Everyone say that but never do it"

"Sorry I was a little busy making sure no one died to listen to my vagina!"I said, throwing my empty bag at her.

"So are you going to his pack?"she asked, after a moment of silence.

I turned to look at her, this was something I did not consider. Obviously he can't stay here because he's the alpha of his own pack.

"I guess...but I'll always visit and you can too!" I said, starting the next episode.

"You better bitch or I'll find you!" She said, pouting a little.

"You'll have to try harder to get rid of me" I laughed.

We watch 2 more episodes, practically arguing about who looks better between Damon and Klaus. No one on this show looks better than Klaus!

"Okay but look at Damon's eyes" she fought.

"But Klaus has the best smile ever" I argued back. Everyone knows Klaus is top-tier.

Suddenly we heard a knock on the front door. We both looked at each other before walking to my room door.

"$50 says it's Zion coming to tell you he killed Malakai" she said, as we both looked down the hall at the door.

"You're on"I said, taking the first step to the front door.

It had to be about 11pm who could be here but Zion.

Maybe it's my mate?

My stomach started to flutter at the thought.

"Who is it?!" I yelled.

"Open the door mate"

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