Bath Bom

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I watched as she stepped into the tub. Her body looked so amazing, each curve where it needs to be. I love her body and everything about it.

She didn't break eye contact as she sunk into the tub. She let out a low moan and I bit my lip at her needy sounds. She began to wash her body, fully soaping up her skin and making me horny.

I couldn't stop the growls coming from my chest. My wolf wanted nothing more than to fuck her to submission. To add some color to her pale skin. To see just how loud she could be.

I wonder how those blue eyes would look as she came on my cock?

I felt myself harden at that thought. Fuck, and watching her bathe in the tub made me harder.

"Would you mind if I join you?" I asked, biting my lip. I could feel my heart beating fast as I waited for her answer. If she said no then I'll just stroke myself to her in the tub.

"Yes, Malakai," she said, sounding so seductive.

I couldn't hide the excitement on my face as I walked towards the tub. I couldn't wait to get in there with her.

I quickly lifted my shirt above my head. I could feel her eyes on my body as I placed my shirt on the sink. This girl was driving me mad. I could smell her need for me. I could sense how turned on she is.

I looked over to see her crossing her legs trying to get some type of friction.

As if I could move any faster, I finished getting undressed and allowed her to get a good look at me.

Her eyes widened as she watched my cock twitch. I know this too is coated in pre-cum. She licked her lips as I stepped into the oversized tub.

My throat felt dry as I struggled to find the words to describe how I felt right now. All of the negative thoughts I had earlier were gone, and replaced with those of lust.

His body is magnificent, he's perfectly sculpted. If I didn't know any better I would swear he was a god.

I watched in amazement as his member jerked once it was set free. So thick. the come just leaking from the tip. I couldn't help but lick my lips imagining what it would feel like going down my throat.

He snuck into the water on the other side of me and grabbed my left foot, giving it a massage.

I moaned at how good this felt. A few weeks ago if you told me I would be butt naked in the tub with my mate, I honestly might have punched you in the face!

"That feels so good Kai" I moaned, taking a soapy towel around my body to clean myself.

"I love how you moan my make." He growled. He actually hasn't stopped growling this whole time.

Growling is not always seen as aggression. Some growl when they are happy, playing, possessive, etc. I've never seen someone growl for more than 2 minutes constantly though.

The growling from his chest was even making the water vibrate a little.

"Are you okay...I mean with the growling and all" I asked, as he switched feet.

"Yes, I'm okay beautiful. My wolf is just fighting to come and play with you. He wants me to slam your ass on my dick so hard that all of the water splashes on the floor..., but I'm trying to be more of a gentleman than that." He said, rubbing a little higher, closer to my thighs.

"Oh" I gasped. Just the thought of that had my stomach in knots. I bit my lip and dared myself to ask my next question. I knew I would be playing with fire, but I was willing to possibly get burnt. "What else does he wanna do?"

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