Roller Coaster Of A Day

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I woke up this morning to not just an empty bed, but an empty house. After walking around and yelling his name for 10 minutes. I gave up.

He's the most protected person here so I'm not worried about him at all. I'm more upset that he didn't leave a note, or some food, before he left. I know for sure he was in bed with me last night.

I also know for sure he was horny! I felt him touching on my body all last night. He rubbed me all over, squeezing my boobs and butt. He explored every inch in me, I know not one spot on my body went without his touch. He stroked on my vagina, rubbing on my clit. I could tell he was pleasuring himself by the way he's breathing was uneasy.

The only reason I didn't react is because I was sooo sleepy last night. The type of sleep that only happens when my heat is coming. That could be why he was so horny last night, maybe he could sense that it's close.

I made my way in the kitchen and made myself a bowl of Reese's puffs. I just needed something quick to eat and I didn't not want to cook.

As I was eating I heard a knock on the door. I picked up my bowl because I will not allow my cereal to get soggy for anyone. I opened the door to see a mail woman.

She looked to be about 55 years of age, red hair, dark eyes, face full of freckles. She gave me a warm smile and handed me the mail.

"Hello, Luna Zara. Here is the mail for today. I hope I didn't wake you from your sleep." She said, looking to the ground.

"Thank you, and you don't have to look down when you talk to me. What's your name?" I said, taking the thick stack of mail.

"Myra," she said, daring to look up.

"Nice to meet you Myra. Have a good day!" I said.

She smiled, actually looking at my face. Not necessarily my eyes, but close enough.

I sat the mail on the counter and looked it over as I ate the rest of my cereal. It was 2 of them that said my name, so I opened them.

It's work from my school, wonderful.

I looked at all of the work, about 7 pages front and back, and decided to let Jesus take the wheel.

I washed my empty bowl and made my way to our room. All of my clothes were up properly finally, making it easy to find some clothes for today.

I got myself together, taking a long shower, brushing my teeth and my hair.

I wanted my hair to be fully natural today so I didn't do much to it besides brushing it. I know my heat is coming soon so there's no real point in looking 'nice' today. My hair is naturally slightly puffy with loose curls. 

I then put on a random t-shirt and nothing else. I just wanted to be comfortable for this pain that was going to rip it's way through my body. Besides I'm going to feel so hot it's pretty much no point to have so much clothing on.

Just as I finished getting ready for my body to fuck me over my phone rang.

I smiled once I saw it was Zoey.

"Hey Zoe" I breathed out.

"Hey I've missed you, I didn't get an update about the dinner" she said.

"I'm so sorry, it was kinda chaotic and a long story" I said trying not to rethink the night.

"Like I should stop for a long time?" She asked. I laughed to myself. If she says anything about coming over she's already on her way.

"Is this your way of asking if you can come down?"

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