His Second Chance

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The conversation we had in the car about kids kept replaying in my head. What if I was pregnant right now? Am I ready to be a mother at 17 years old? I'm still in school and I'm in charge of a whole pack, could I add a child to that?

My wolf loved the idea. She has held her head high since her new statuses became official. She's always wanted a lot of pups and I wouldn't mind, but is now A good time?

Right now I sat in the living room with Zoey. I've been catching her up on everything since the last time we texted. We were laid out on the couch with a big fluffy cover. We had ice cream and lots of toppings in front of us. She turned on this movie  'Kissing Booth' , which I'm already invested in.

Malakai was off making sure our pack was running smoothly. Checking on family's, our warriors, hunters, paper work, etc. I was meant to go with him today, but I couldn't leave her by herself.

"So what did he check on her for? What was wrong?" She asked.

"No clue, I didn't really get to ask that before it happened" I giggled.

"Oh before he impregnated you?" She said, squirting some chocolate syrup in her mouth then eating a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

I rolled my eyes.

She could've just put some chocolate syrup on top of her ice cream, but she said that's a big commitment to a topping. She instead thinks it's better to take a mouth full of random roping then add the ice cream in her mouth.

"We don't know if I'm pregnant" I said, laughing because she now has some chocolate on her shirt.

"If you were, what would you name him or her?" she asked. "You know you gotta keep the 'Z's' going"

"Well I don't think I have many options. Pretty much our whole family name starts with a 'Z'."

"Would they be born an Alpha like Malakai, or have to battle for it?"

"I'm not sure,..I guess it's up to Kai"I shrugged.

I placed my hand over my stomach and rubbed it, what if I had a baby cooking in here? What would their future look like? Before my mind could race any more there was a knock at the door.

It seems like people choose to stop by at the best/ worst times.

We looked at each other then back at the door.

"Your baby daddy's back all ready?" She asked as I walked to the door.

"I doubt it" I said once I was at the door. I looked through the peephole and saw that it was Charles.

He looked horrible, scratched everywhere, red eyes, ripped clothes.

Confused, I opened the door.

"Charles what the fuck happened?" I asked, looking him over. He will heal fast, he's a wolf, but I'm still worried.

"Where is your mate? He needs to get his best friend. I'm over this shit. I declined her and she got pissed" he said, his eyes switching from green to black.

"So she fought you?"I asked, in disbelief.

"Yes. Surprisingly the Moon Goddess answered my prayers and took our marks away. I guess that pissed her off. She left for some hours then came back wanting to fight. The only way I got away is you two marking each other. Once she felt that connection she left again." He said, shaking his head.

I moved over to let him in as I continued to stare at him.

"So you two are not mates any more? What does that mean you could have another one? Do we even get to mark more than one person?" I asked all at once.

"I don't know Zara but I had to leave. I couldn't take it" he said. He looked over to Zoey and smiled. "Hey I'm Charles. I normally don't look like this"

"Hi, I'm Zoey. I normally don't have chocolate on me..." she said, biting her lip.

I looked at both of them, I'm just going to be confused all day huh? The two of them awkwardly smiled at each other like he doesn't have blood on his shirt.

"Should I give you two some space?" I asked.

"No um, my bad. Is Malakai here?" He asked, finally looking away from her.

"No, I'm not sure where he is," I said, looking at Zoey whose eyes never left him. The Moon Goddess must be working quickly.

"Oh okay, I should Um get going" he stuttered looking over to her.

I smiled to myself. They are honestly cute together! Charles definitely deserves a Zoey in his life after dealing with the devil! Zoey also deserves a Charles.

"Don't leave without getting her number" I said, nudging him.

"I'm not ready to get back out there. You are very beautiful and I'm sure you are an amazing person, but I just got out of a relationship not even 24 hours ago. I do feel it and I know you do too, but I can't right now. I don't expect you to wait seeing as you just met me, but I'll be here if you would" he said, looking deep in her eyes.

"Thank you for being honest Charles. I will give you my number and we can go from there. You're very handsome btw" she smiled.

He gave her his phone with a huge smile on his face. This is the most I've seen him smile!

Once she put the number in she handed him back his phone. Their hands touched slightly and they both sat there for a second. I'm dying of happiness for them two.

"See you around Zoey," he said, winking at her.

She blushed and nodded her head at him.

The second he left out we both screamed like children.

"I gotta visit more often, I didn't know there were sexy wolves like that here!" She smiled.

"Oh my god Zoey, did he feel like your mate or was he just really cute?"

"Both! I felt the sparks, the fireworks, the connection!" She said, dropping herself on the couch.

"I'm happy for you! He's a really sweet guy...he was actually Abigail's mate"

"What he has to do is take like 1,000 showers and brush his teeth aggressively before we get serious, '' she said, eating more ice cream.

"Yeah, I hope she never finds her next victim. She really sucked as a mate" I said, sitting back down.

" You don't think she would come after me for taking her ex mate do you?"

"She better not or we will have to jump her! It's not your fault he declined her. I'm just shocked it worked"I said. I never really heard of the declining working while the two mates were marked. The Moon Goddess must have really wanted him to find another.

She laughed at my statement and started up part 2 of our moves.

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