Family Dinner

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I swallowed hard as we stood outside his parents door. He already knocked so they could be coming in any minute. He told me to dress relaxed and casual but I don't see how that's realistic. I'm getting ready to officially meet his parents.

Now that I think about it, he never officially met mine. I have to get that set up some day.

I had on a red long sleeve sweater shirt with some nice fitting jeans. I decided to give my feet a break and wear some simple black slides. My long hair was lightly curled and I just had it down. I choose not to do my makeup, I don't want them to expect me to look like that on a day to day basis.

We were a little late because of Malakai. He said that Twilight was better than the Originals and I just wanted him to respectfully fuck himself! I still can't believe him for that. We got into a full argument about the subject, all sitting forgetting we had a place to be.

Soon the door started to open. I held his hand a little tighter as a beautiful woman came into view. Her face had a few wrinkles on it but she carried her age gracefully. She was a little taller than me, maybe 5'7 where I stood at 5'3. I could quickly see that Malakai had her eyes and a smile.

"Hello, darling! I'm Patty" She said, pulling me into a hug. I was shocked, but hugged her back. She smelt like cookies. "Come in you guys"

She pulled us inside the house that had a homey feel to it. It felt warm and inviting here.

Kai took my hand as she led us to the kitchen. I made sure to take in my surroundings, noticing every picture of Malakai. My favorite so far is the one with his diaper on his head! He had to be 1 year of age.

Once we entered the dining room his father gave him a small smile.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Kyle" his father said, reaching to shake my hand. He had a very firm handshake, you could tell he was an Alpha. He spoke with certainty and authority. He made sure to stand straight and look me in my eyes as he shook my hand. Zion always said to make eye contact while shaking anyones hand so they know you mean business.

His father didn't seem mean at all, he just screamed 'don't fuck with me'. He had to be 6'6 and he projected every foot.

The moment we sat down at the table there was a knock at the door. We all looked down the hall then back at each other.

"I got it, get the food together won't ya" his father said to his mate.

She smiled and looked over to me.

"Care to help me out?"she asked.

"Um yes, yes ma'am" I said, looking back at Kai. Almost like I was making sure it was okay. Really I was scared to be alone with her. He nodded at me, giving him a little confidence as I followed her in the kitchen.

Lord was it a gorgeous kitchen. It looked like one of them kitchens in the cooking channels, perfect.

She already had everything for the sandwiches laid out next to a griddle.

"How about you assemble and I toast them up?" She asked, getting behind the griddle.

"Sounds good," I said. Everything was laid out in order. It's no way I could fuck it up. All I have to do is go down the line.

"So, has he been acting like he's had home training?"she asked, with a little chuckle as I put together the first sandwich.

"For the most part, yes" I giggled.

"He's a good boy for sure. He means well, always trying to do the right thing. If he gives you any trouble just send him my way" she said.

"Just a random question. What are your thoughts on Originals vs Twilight?" I asked, starting on the third sandwich.

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