Alpha Kia

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"Alpha Kai? I..I asked if I could offer you a warm towel?" The flight attendant asked, standing next to me. She must have asked me that a few times already by her nervous expression.

"I apologize ma'am. I'm still getting used to the word alpha. I would love one, thanks " I said, taking one of the towels from her. The warmth from the towels felt so nice on my skin. The plane was definitely cold.

I freshly became the alpha of my pack after my father decided he's getting too old, which was about 4 days ago.

I'm still getting used to people calling me alpha, catering to me, and being afraid of me.

Alphas are depicted as these evil, crazy guys full of power. People hear the word alpha and act like I'm a completely different person than who I was last week.

I was pretty much raised by my mother, seeing as we had a huge pack and they needed all of my father's attention. He was a "strict"  alpha. Never believing in second chances, equality, or rights. He believed in his way.

I guess that's what people are thinking I will be like, but this is simply not true.

"Of course, Alpha. Anything for you sir" she said, bowing down like I was some king.

I forced my face to stay neutral, my face shows my emotions well! I didn't need her to see the cringe on my face.

She quickly stepped away and went to help others.

As the new alpha it is my duty to meet my neighborhood packs to make sure we keep the peace. So far I've already visited 3 of my neighbors, just one left.

I'm so happy that this is almost over. I'm so tired.

On the plane were some of my strongest fighters and hunters as well as my beta.  I only wanted to take my heavy hitters just in case things went left. I left my Delta in charge of the rest of my pack while I was gone.

"Hello, your highness," my Beta said, sitting next to me. Her purple hair all over her head. She didn't bother to cover up the fact that she just had sex with her mate.

" Abigail, stop it!" I laughed, pushing her lightly. I heard a possessive growl coming from the back of the plane.

"Oh stop it you big baby" she yelled back to him. Abigail and her mate have been together for 2 years. She's one of the lucky ones who found her mate at 16.

I've always told her how lucky she was to have found him within 2 months. I on the other hand am 17 and still haven't found mine. I know that's not bad seeing as some wolves don't find their mate till they are 20.

I always thought it was bittersweet how your mate could be on another side of the world and you would have no idea. The thought always scared me knowing what she-wolves go through. I hope my mate wasn't in too much pain waiting to meet me.

Going through heat without having a mate for a long time is the cause of most suicides in our community.

A few hours later we finally landed. Abigail and I set off to their pack borders alone. I've found that this is the most effective way to make sure they don't see us as a threat.

Everyone else stayed a good distance away, only listening for my call if something went left.

We quickly made it to their borders. It took no time because we were talking about anything and everything. Abigail truly is my best friend. She's been with me since I was just a child. She is a fiery ball of energy that says whatever is on her mind because she knows no one can beat her ass. If she wasn't my beta, she would be the leader of my hunters, fighters, and scouts! She demands respect and I love that about her. 

Everyone thought me and her would be mates because of how close we've always been. We both thought of the possibility, but I'm glad that was not the case, not that this would be a horrible thought... Her and her mate, Charles, were truly made for each other. 

"State your purpose" one of the border control men said.

"I am Malakai, alpha of the K.A.I pack." I said, trying to sound confident.

My father named me after the pack.  Way before I was born the pack was known as K.A.I or kill all Invaders. After he found out he was having a boy he only thought it was fitting to put those 3 letters in my name.

The man stood still for a moment, most likely mind linking with their alpha.

"The connection must suck" Abigail whispered.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her comment. It is taking forever for this alpha to get here.

"Hello Alpha Malakai. I am Alpha Zion and this is my gorgeous mate Kylie. I do apologize for the wait. My sister is...going through some personal issues. Please follow me" Alpha Zion said, finally making his way to us after 20 minutes of waiting.

"Not a problem, this is my beta Abigail. It is nice to meet you both"I said, offering them a smile.

I have to say, he does look like he got his shit together. Out of all of the Alphas I met he was the only one who made sure to dress nice and have his mate with him. He's pack looked like it ran like a well oiled Machine.

It had to be 6am and everyone was up training, hunting, going to school, even cleaning the streets! My pack doesn't start till about 9am! I gotta step up.

As we walked by, members of his pack bowed down to us before returning to their activities. If I thought Abigail demanded respect, he made that a requirement!

He gave us a tour of his pack showing us some of the things he was proud of. This greeting was different from the rest. The other packs took us straight to their office and just talked. He was clearly more confident with his pack.

After the tour, which made my pack look like a school group, he showed us to his huge office.

His office held a red theme, literally everything that could be red is red. It was very bold and daring.

"So, how old are you? If you don't mind me asking" he said, pouring us a glass of Bourbon. He sat in his chair folding his hands on his desk.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Abigail asked, already done with her glass.

"It's fine, Abigail." I said, putting my hand up. She is always ready to defend me. "I'm 17"

"She's fine. I can see how that could come off as offensive. I'm simply getting to know you. I do hope we can keep the peace, but if that is not possible I would like to know as much as possible about my opponent." He said, shrugging.

"I wouldn't worry about that. We have no reason to retaliate" I answered. "Like I told our other neighbors, you are welcome to meet my pack"

Abigail didn't bother to hide how displeased she was with this. Her brown eyes couldn't be further in the back of her head.

"Sounds like we have nothing to worry about then!" He said, finally showing some type of happiness.

"Alpha Zion, your mother is calling" someone said, walking in with a phone. "It sounds urgent"

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