Uncomfortable Dinner

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This plane was pretty much the nicest thing I've ever been in. It was so wide and comfortable, I've never been outside of my own pack. I've already contacted my parents letting them know that I'm visiting his, well I guess, our pack.

They knew it was coming after finding out we were with each other yesterday.

They weren't too thrilled about it but they knew it was no stopping it.

I laid my head on the window and watched how beautiful the world looks. Everything was so small, making me realize how high up we are. I wasn't scared of Heights or anything, if anything it made me wonder how this heavy ass contraption can fly. I've heard all of the reasons and it doesn't make sense!

He didn't bring up what happened last night, maybe because he was worried about going back to his pack. Or maybe I'm just making excuses that I didn't even know are true. Truth is I don't know why he hadn't brought it up.

Yes he gave me head which was beyond amazing, but that doesn't take away what happened or why she was able to bring him back and I wasn't.

"We're landing in 5 minutes. Did you wanna stop by and get some food?" He asked, after not talking this whole flight.

"No, I'm fine" I lied, I was beyond hungry but my emotions wouldn't let me budge.

"Are you sure? Abigail made some spaghetti, chicken, garlic bread, and salad" he asked, tilting his head at me.

I quickly became more upset for more than one reason. Why was she making 4 different sides for pasta? Was the Chicken the main meal or the pasta? Why after last night did he think she'll be the first person I want to see?

"Why is she making so much unnecessary food?" I found myself asking.

"She's cooking for the whole pack. She can only do that once a month due to resources that we have to go into human territory. She's just giving people more options, she loves cooking for the pack. He said, making me feel like a shity person. So she has the heart to match her outside? Well don't she just sound perfect.

"Oh...."I said awkwardly.

Soon the plane started to land, making my ears pop. I quickly started to feel uneasy. Should I have really come out here knowing I'm not over last night?

I mean I have no choice but to see the damn girl. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

The second we got off the plane there was a big truck waiting for us.

I swallowed, realizing that it was going to be my first time meeting someone from his pack that wasn't a child or that girl...

Luckily I didn't look like a bowl of crap.

My hair was straight and pulled back out my face. I decided to skip out on the makeup because I didn't want him to expect me to look like that everyday. I had on my best possible dress. It's knee length and generously tight enough to where I felt good about how my body looked, but not too tight to where I could possibly look like a whore.

"Welcome back Alpha Malakai" the driver greeted, opting for the door for us.

"Thanks, this is your Luna, Zara." He said, looking over to me. I gave him a small smile and tried to look confident.

"Hello Luna! Nice to meet you" he said, nodding at me.

We both got in the car and my stomach started doing flips. This was really happening! Before I could start working myself I got a text.

Zoe 6:35pm
How is it going? You didn't fight her did you?👀

Zara 6:37
I feel like I need to throw up! And no I didn't see her yet🙄 she cooked dinner so I'm pretty sure I will soon

Zoe 6:38
Calm down you got this girl, and good because she can fight we will have to jump her so please fight her when I visit! What did she make?

Zara 6:40
Gee thanks😑 and spaghetti with 4 different sides! Did I tell you he never talked about what happened last night when he went all crazy wolf on me?

Zoey 6:50
Like nothing? The whole trip?

Zara 6:52
Not a damn thing! I'm getting ready to explode with all of these emotions. We're pulling up to the house, I'll keep you posted.

Locking my phone, I looked over to him as we pulled into the driveway. He didn't really talk on the plane or the ride to the house. I could feel myself getting ready to explode.

This is also the longest time we've spent with each other, and it's awkward.

"Are you okay?" He asked, as he grabbed my bags.

"Nope not one bit" I mumbled

As soon as he was going to question what I said, arms were thrown over his neck.

"Hey, Kai!" She greeted, legs off the ground.

I felt like I was going to either throw up, cry, scream, or do all three.

"Hey Abigail," he said, smiling for the first time today.

"Oh and hey Zarie" she said, clearly mispronouncing my name. I don't know if it was purposeful, but it did piss me off.

"It's Zara, Abigail" he corrected.

"Oh sorry about that" she smiled, showing off her perfect teeth.

It seemed like everything she had on made her body look amazing. Her blue jumper hugged her body so perfect it made every curve show. Her hair was in a messy bun and she of course had on heels.

"Come in guys, I already made your plates! Charles is in there as well" she said, holding the door open.

As soon as we walked in I couldn't help but notice how good it smelt! It's no way her food should smell this good.

"Hey Charles," Kai said, giving him a big hug. "This is my mate Zara"

"How's it going?" he said, reaching out to shake my hand.

I shook it, which Kai watched very closely.

"Here you go everyone" Abigail said, bringing everyone their food. I looked at my plate and, if it was even possible, got more upset. This plate looks so professional. The pasta was swirled into a neat circle shape. The chicken breast was sliced a little too perfectly on the top of the salad. She even had a dish of 3 different types of dressings in front of us.

"This looks amazing Abigail," Kai said.

"Thanks Kai, I tried something different with the chicken. Let me know if you could tell."

Why don't they just both suck each other's dick?

Me and Charles were like the third wheel as our mates joked about everything. It got to the point where I couldn't take it any more.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked loudly, I removed myself from the table and stood next to them. I was visibly upset, and shaking with anger.

"Down the hall, first door on the left" she answered, her arm around my mates neck as she laughed. I could feel my wolf getting upset. I knew I needed to remove myself from the situation before I tried to kill this girl.

I rolled my eyes and walked in that direction.

Why am I even here?

For hours he paid no attention to me and was only focused on this bitch! I nearly made it to the bathroom when I felt a hand on my arm, and not the one I wanted.

Turning around, I was face to face with Charles. His green eyes rested on mine, his face full of concern.

"For the record I know how it feels," he said, leaning on the wall.

"What?" I asked.

"With them all close and toning everyone out. That's been my everyday for a while now. I thought that when he got a mate it would end but I guess not....

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