Life And Death

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I rushed to the hospital passing all of the people giving me strange looks. Thanks to Alpha Zion I was able to bypass his security and get a ride up here the second I got to the borders.

"What room is Zara Sanders in?" I asked the lady at the front desk.

"Sanders... looks like room one-"

That's all I need. I rushed back there and looked for room one. Normally I would think that room one would be the first door but it wasn't. It was actually the 12 door which made no sense!

I pushed open the doors and looked over to Zara. Her hair was all over her sweaty head and she looked so tired. I could hear her heart and it was racing.

"You better have made it," she said, giving me a weak smile.

"I wouldn't miss you, thank you everyone" I said, looking at her family.

I walked over to her and kissed her head. "You got this Zara. You look so powerful right now" I whispered in her ear.

"Hello Alpha Malakai. I'm doctor Cherry I will be delivering your pups" the doctor said walking in. She placed in her gloves and walked over to Zara. She lifted up the sheets and started doing something that made Zara face squish.

"We are just over 10 centimeters, are you ready to start pushing, Luna" she asked.

My heart started to race just as fast as Zara's, I made it right on time.

Zara blue eyes locked onto mine before answering the doctor.

"Yes" she said, nodding her head.

"Okay sweetie, give me a big push" she said, handing me one of Zara's legs while she held the other.

Zara started pushing, her whole body started to shake as she tried to force our pup out. She pushed for a few seconds before resting.

"You're doing good, mom," The doctor cheered.

"Good just hun, keep going" Her mother said, holding her hand.

Her brother was on the phone with someone while he watched. Her father was right behind her mother.

"Keep going," the doctor said.

Zara pushed harder and longer than the one before. Tears were forming in her eyes and it broke my heart. This woman is so amazing.

"I can't do it!" Zara cried out after she stopped pushing.

"Yes you can, baby. You're doing so good" I said, kissing her leg.

"You are, I can see the head!"

The head is out?!

I looked over her leg and the image before me was not one I could actually describe. I wasn't disgusted by birth, it was just hard to look at. I could see the top of the baby's head, already full of hair. Definitely need to get it from Zara!

She pushed again, and again, and again. Pushing as much as she can and as hard as her body would allow her. She looked so tired I thought she was going to pass out. She cried and pushed till the room filled with a cry that put the biggest smile on my face.

"It's a girl!" The doctor yelled. The nurse beside her took the baby and walked her over to a room. Most likely to get her cleaned off. My wolf stood proud knowing that his pup was now in the world.

"Can I see my baby?" Zara asked, smiling.

"Not just yet, you're not done. I see another one in there, imma need you to keep pushing.

"Fuck" she said, as she took some deep breaths. She started pushing again as the nurse walked out. I was conflicted, I wanted to stay here to comfort my mate, but I also wanted to hold my pup.

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