School Is Calling

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"You should've heard her bragging about being the first one to meet you. She just wanted to make all of the kids jealous"  Kate's father laughed as they told me yet another story about their child.

I didn't mind of course. I love children, way more than adults. It's honestly great to hear that she's safe and that she likes me.

Her mother was getting ready to start up another conversation when Malakai stepped in.

"What are you guys talking about?" He asked, his breathtaking smile on full display.

"Hello Alpha Malakai" they all said at the same time. They instantly made themselves appear smaller by shrugging a little. Their heads tilted down like they were scared to look him in the eyes.

"Hey you guys" he greeted warmly. Was this how people normally acted around Alphas?

When the Alpha before my brother was in charge I was honestly too young to remember him. Meaning my only real experience with Alphas have been with my brother, and my mate. I've never experienced an 'real' Alpha, as in an Alpha who didn't have a sweet spot for me.

It was so strange seeing how little they tried to look around him. I've never been around an Alpha that I didn't have a yelling match with at some point.

''We were talking about this one's childhood," I said, pulling her closer to me. She looked up at me and smiled, Kate is the sweetest thing ever.

"Yes, she's a very interesting child," her mother said, looking down. She spoke like she was unsure and it confused me.

"We really should be going....if that's okay with you Alpha" her father said, daring to look up.

"Yeah, sure. You guys have a good day!" Kai smiled.

They quickly got away from us like they were afraid of something happening to them.

"I hate when they do that. I tell them everyday I'm not like other Alphas" he said, shaking his head.

"They ran like they owed you money" I giggled at my own joke. He smiled down at me and playfully rolled his eyes.

"You are invited to a family lunch, CBR sandwiches at my parents house. They were here but didn't get to meet you because of Kate's parents. They told me to tell you hey. We'll see them in a few hours though"he said, wrapping his arms around me.

I could feel their eyes on us as we walked to the car. I'm used to a few eyes on me for being the Alpha's sister, but it's a whole lot more than being the Alpha's mate.

I felt my phone vibrate, a call from my school. With all this going on I forgot I'm still a Junior in high school. Although the school year was almost over, I still had 4 months to go.


"Yes hello, am I speaking to Zara?" The man asked.

"This is her," I said, stepping into the car. I could see how worried Kai looked as I sat waiting for the man to respond.

"This is Principle Murphy. Alpha Zion did let us know that you were visiting your new pack, congrats on the mate by the way, but your work is getting behind. While I don't expect you to drop your things and come to school, I do want you to be aware that missing all of these days could result in you going to summer school, or taking extra classes next year,"he said.

"Yes, um you're completely right. It slipped my mind. Could my work be sent here for the time being?" I asked. I'm not sure if I wanted to finish the year out at my school or transfer to a school here. Me and Malakai's relationship is doing better from the first argument, but it is not completely fixed. Meaning things could go wrong and I end up back at my pack anyway. 

"Yes, we will send it over. You have a wonderful day Zara. I just wanted to make you aware" he said, hanging up.

I sighed as the car began to drive, the last thing I wanted to think about was how I'm failing school. I couldn't even imagine what my grades were like.

"Are you okay?" Kai asked me, rubbing my bare thigh. I'm quickly realizing that's his favorite part of my body.

"Yeah I'm fine, failing in school, but it's fine" I joked.

"You're still in school?" He asked.

"Yeah ain't you?"

"No, I started a year early because of how old my parents were. They wanted me to finish school as soon as possible so I could be the Alpha." He said. 

"Lucky" I said, rolling my eyes.

He laughed at my actions and we fell into silence.

I soon realized what took place in the car an hour and a half ago. I let my hormones get the best of me. Our first time can not, and will not be in a car!

"Are we going to talk about it or silently think about it?" Malakai asked, squeezing my thigh. I sucked in a sharp breath as tingles shot up my body.

"What about it?" I asked, trying to ignore my body calling out for him.

"I wanna talk about how sexy you look by submitting yourself to me. That gorgeous body of yours begging me to take it.  Your moans in my ear driving my wolf mad" he said, rubbing higher on my leg.

"Don't start this backup Kai. Not in this car" I said, biting my lip.

"You're right, I don't think I'll be able to stop once I get started. My mother would be pissed" he said.

"Do you think they'll like me?" I asked, quickly changing the subject. I need his hands off me.

"They already love you! They're so excited to see you" he said, smiling at me.

"Good" I said, snugging to his side.I laid there as he played in my hair, which quickly put me to sleep.

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