Speaking Of Family

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Waking up with Zara in my arms was the best feeling ever. Her soft breaths and calm heart beat soothed me. I rubbed her arm and pulled her closer to me.

We took each other so many times last night and it was honestly perfect. Images of her breast bouncing with each trust filled my head. She looked so beautiful. My dick twitched at the thought of last night. I've always thought about what it would be like to sleep with my mate, never did I think it would feel that good. Every touch sent shivers down my spine.

I've been up for 30 minutes just rubbing on her arm and back, admiring her face. I could sit here all day but I know that wouldn't happen.

I don't want to deal with anything that might come with today. Since she is now officially the Luna of my pack word will get around. I'm sure many of the pack members have already felt the shift in energy from her new connection to them. Soon everyone will know, including Abigail...

Yesterday I tried to make sure she was okay after throwing herself at me. It wasn't like her and I just wanted to see that she was back to her normal self. Boy was wrong.

She started to go on about wanted to have sex with me and say that she's in love with me. I tried to calm her down and she started to take off her clothes. She was almost fully naked when Charles came in. He was furious! I tried to stop her before she got naked, but it seemed like that only aroused her more.

I knew it was safe to leave her with him because he's her mate. No matter how mad he is at her, he can't hurt her. I started to explain to him what happened when Zara heat hit me. I left their house as soon as I could to get to Zara.

I hated seeing her like that and to think that she was all alone while I was with Abi...

My thoughts came to a pause as I heard a knock on the door.

I cussed under my breath, I just wanted to lay here for a few more minutes. I moved her over as gently as I could and got out of bed.

She turned over in her sleep, lifting her leg up a little. She scrunched her face but didn't seem to be waking up.

I put on some shorts and slowly made my way to the door, making sure not to make any noise.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Alpha Malakai it's me Jeremiah"

I sighed and opened the door. Jeremiah is not just my driver, he's responsible for getting news to me when my Betta can't. He lives the closest to me to get to me when I need him.

"What's going on?" I asked.

He's eyes dropped to the ground as he spoke. "There is someone trying to enter our Territory. She claims that she knows the Luna."

"Zoey?" A sweet voice called out. I looked over my shoulder to see Zara making her way to me. She just had our covers around her body, which did have my wolf howling with lust. He's not even upset that Jeremiah is right here. He takes pride in knowing that his mate is attractive and only for him.

"Yes Luna Zara"

"Oh yay! That's my cousin, remember from my house when I had the 'oh so sexy' onesie?"

I chucked at her and turned back to Jeremiah.

"Can you take us there?"

" Of course, I'm right outside," he said, nodding at us.

"I'm sorry I didn't have time to tell you after everything happened.." she said trailing off at the end. Her cheeks went up into flames as she thought about it.

I focused a little bit to hear her thoughts clearly.

"God, that was amazing"

I smiled to myself and pulled her close.

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