The First Kiss

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"Alpha Malakai, this is the last place she was seen," Jeremiah said. Him,as well as some of my higher pack members, told me there were suspicious allegations of some aggressive behavior. After reading all of the reports about broken cars, fire hydrants, and even buildings, I had to get right on it.

This person was causing problems, big problems. Scaring children, messing up people's things, destruction of private property,... I can't have that in my pack.

I'm really happy Zoey is here to keep Zara. I wouldn't want another repeat of what happened the last time I felt her by herself... even though great sex came after it.

No one was able to give a good description of this person. All I have to go by is that it's a girl... which describes more than half of my pack.

There's no doubt this person is a threat and will be treated as such.

"Whoever she is, she's moving fast," I said, annoyed. I could be with my mate right now, but instead I'm chasing  around some terrorist.

After a few more minutes of looking we finally heard some news.

"Alpha Malakai, me and 5 men got her cornered. It was 7 of us but they are unresponsive right now. We are by the south border" on of my men said through a mind link.

We were only a few minutes from there.

"Everyone head to the south border. Keep your guard up. She's dangerous" I warned, as we headed in that direction.

It was about a 10 minute walk, so we shifted to cut the time.

I can't even remember the last time I was in my wolf form. My wolf is pure white with long fur and brown eyes. I sat in the passenger seat as I let him take full control.

He stretched out his legs and growled, making all of our people look over to him waiting on his command. He talked to their wolves with power in his words, telling them to follow him.

We took off, flying through the wind with amazing speed. It felt so wonderful to run, the night moon lighting up the sky, the feeling of freedom washing over me. I haven't been in my wolf form in ages, I almost forgot what this felt like.

We arrived at the location and I couldn't be more horrified. I see some of my men and women on the ground with blood flowing from their bodies. They were in their wolf form and still were losing.

The woman in question was not shifted. She was dressed so casual you'd think she was going out for brunch. She had blood over her bare legs and arms, that was clearly not hers. Her small frame fought effortlessly against even the strongest fighters. I've never seen someone fight off people in their wolf form.

Instantly the wolves who traveled with me went to attack her. She smiled at them as they rushed on her. Her face held no fear, just joy. Then her eyes locked mine.

It's Abigail.

"Stop!!" I roared.

They all stopped and looked back at me like I was crazy and maybe I was, but I had to think logically.

Abi is pissed off about something. She has the type of anger that could start wars. When we were younger the only real thing that 'calmed' her down was fighting, that's how she became the best fighter in my pack.

I know that she won't stop till they are non-responsive and I can't lose all of my fighters.

"Take all of the injured wolves to the hospital, I'll take care of her. Jeremiah you stay"

I needed him to stay just in case I needed help with her.

They nodded their heads almost instantly and started gathering once on the ground. As they were working on that I shifted out of my wolf form and looked over to Abigail.

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