Kate Kenner

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It's been a week since I've seen my mate...in person anyway. He's been all over the news. Packs just can't get over how young he is and how it's somehow disrespectful to everyone. I personally think they feel threatened.

I've watched pretty much every news story about him, practically drooling over how sexy he is. I've only had one interaction with him and I'm already addicted.

I'll be lying if I said that some news about him doesn't have me feeling some type of way.

The hashtag 'Alpha Kai's Mate' would normally be a good thing to see if the pictures included my face.

Nope, the hashtags included pictures of my mate and the Purple headed chick from my brothers office. Countless pictures and videos of them hugging, smiling, and so very close to each other.

When you look up his name and click on images, 94% of the pictures have her in them.

What makes it worse is that I have no idea who she really is or anyway to ask him about it.

I just see this drop dead gorgeous girl next to my mate every fucking day and it kills me. She's at every meeting, every conference, everything he does she's right there like I should be.

It honestly made me feel defeated.

What if she was also in his bed? Hell I wouldn't even be surprised!

Her stupid tanned skin and dumb big brown eyes. Her horribly perfect body that was beyond fit and her horrifically angelic voice!

The thought of her being next to him made me want to punch someone in the face.

Anyway, it was about 7pm and I decided to go for a walk to clear my mind because if I spend more time thinking about it I'm going to explode.

I liked to take my walks late in the day where most people are in the house getting ready for the next day. This time the night was perfect, it wasn't noisy, hot, or dark.

I had on a Nike jumpsuit that I got in the towns where the humans lived. I loved going into their towns, they have the coolest stuff and best food.

We normally eat just a few meals because we only eat what we grow, hunt, or trade. Humans eat EVERYTHING! Including sweets! We don't have anything sweat besides maple syrup.

"Excuse me ma'am?" A strange voice called out. Judging by the pitch I could tell it was a child.

I looked to my side and met eyes with a young girl.

"Hey honey, where's your parents?" I asked, walking over to her. She seemed to be about 9 years old.

Light blond hair, green eyes, with clothes covered in mud.

"At home. I told them I wasn't ready to go in yet and they tried to force me, sooooooo I went back out to play. I tried to walk home but I think I'm lost" she said, grabbing my hand.

Luckily I was the one who found her and not some creep! This little girl was very trusting. She held my hand confidently.

"Do you know your address?" I asked, continuing to walk. Our pack's addresses are broken up into Street, Avenue, Drive, and Road, all started with a number and the our pack name, midnight. It should be pretty simple to find her house.

Kids normally don't get lost in our pack. My brother absolutely hates crimes against children. He made it a law that all children must be indoors by 8pm if they are not with their parents or a family member listed as a Guardian. He does have a list of all of the guardians of each child to make sure this rule is upheld. Families could spend 6 months jail or have to pay a good amount if their child is not accounted for at all times.

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